ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Bulk Crafters
 Ten wątek został przypięty, więc pewnie jest ważny
YMD  [producent] 2 kwietnia 2016 o 8:15
Troubleshooting FAQ
A problem occurs mainly due to either corrupted or mismatched mod files were downloaded, or mod was not loaded correctly (e.g. by flawed custom script by server hosts and thirdparty software).

Can cause missing/uncraftable engrams, unable to build or use items, or removing mod items due to undetecting that mod was loaded, or other weird glitches.

List of steps to check if you're having ANY Bugs or Problems with mods:
  1. Follow these steps to install a mod Safely on External / Dedicated Servers:
    Click Here For Link[]
    • But for Singleplayer or local, subscribe to a mod and download via game menu, GameUserSettings.ini and Game.ini are instead found in your drive: (Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\)

  2. Custom mod-update or load scripts from server hosts like Nitrado are known to be buggy and will cause mod problems. Instead use Step 1 or this Auto-Updater tool:

  3. Custom mod-updating from other third party software may be unsupported and buggy.

  4. Do a clean redownload of all Mod files and delete any unused old ones.
    Mod files can be found in your server or local computer's drive path folder (..\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\)
    • Each folder name corresponds to the mod id number.
    • Remember to delete the .mod files too. Unsub from old mods you not using.
    • After deleting, launch your game and wait at menu till it redownloads subbed mods finish: progress shown bottom right corner.
    • Then copy back the mod folders and files (including .mod) from your local to your server's. Do NOT overwrite, remember to delete ALL mod files from server first.

  5. If your world has errors or items gone missing after server reboot, it is because the mod has failed to load correctly (can be caused by buggy custom scripts and corrupted downloads from steam after mod updates).
    Here is how to restore from an autosave backup of your game.
    • Go to server's or local drive folder (..\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\SavedArks\).
    • Look for TheIsland.ark files. Find the most recent saved modified timestamp before you restarted server in the files TheIsland-datetime, (datetime will be a string of number digits).
    • Copy any TheIsland files you wish elsewhere in another folder first to backup safely.
    • Then rename that TheIsland-datetime to TheIsland.ark instead inside the SavedArks folder. (Remove the pre-existing one)
      Your server will load it when it boots up, all your game stuff and items in world is there.

  6. Last thing when all else fails: Double check you didn't make mistakes with loading mod-id number. Use Google search for more answers.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: YMD; 5 sierpnia 2016 o 23:56