Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Prop & Tree Anarchy
BIG BUTT 1 kwietnia 2020 o 1:39
Some of you guys are complaining why some props and trees are disappearing after loading the game. Well I found the solution.

Note that you must turn ON the Prop & Tree Anarchy Mod before doing this.

First you need to select the location of disappeared props or trees using Marquee Selection in MoveIt Mod then after that bulldoze it by clicking the bulldoze icon INSIDE THE MENU of MoveIt Mod. After bulldozing, press ctrl+z to undo delete. Then Boom! It all fixed.

Also moving the selected disappeared props then pressing ctrl+z will fix the problem but It doesn't fix the problem when props is in the road.

I hope, I help you guys :)
Sorry for my English ^^
Ostatnio edytowany przez: BIG BUTT; 1 kwietnia 2020 o 4:21
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Kesangan 3 lipca 2020 o 1:30 
Thanks, it works. But the props disappearing again after each load.
tstark 14 października 2021 o 12:41 
so your solution not a fix solution.........
Grechka 23 kwietnia 2022 o 5:15 
Can we get the real solution ASAP please? I just can't keep building my city without being able to place trees on the roads.
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