Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Prop & Tree Anarchy
Toolmode buttons 1-4 not working with this mod.
At all. This must be fixed. There is mod that can help until:
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I had the same problem, but it was resolved after enable "NO UI" in the mod options.
If I enable NO-UI once after the game starts, there is no problem even after disable NO-UI.
But the same issue occurs again after I start the game next time.
Therefore, I have to enable NO-UI every time I start the game.
I don't know why, strange ...

However, the More Shortcuts mod is great.

Postat inițial de Narcoma:

There seems to be an issue with this mod and custom key mapping.Whenever it's activated, the custom keys for Toolmode Button 1-4 don't work.I tested it deselecting every map and assigning different keys, it happens for every key and only if the mod is enabled.
Editat ultima dată de stmSantana; 13 apr. 2020 la 2:51
More shortcuts is a great mod, but is not a proper workaround, since you cannot directly assign tool mode buttons to my knowledge and need to assign different keys for different toolbars
Can at least somewhat confirm that the No-UI option appears to be related. If the UI is present, the toolbar buttons don't consistently work.
Postat inițial de asterisk11231:
More shortcuts is a great mod, but is not a proper workaround, since you cannot directly assign tool mode buttons to my knowledge and need to assign different keys for different toolbars

You can use "More shortcuts" mod to assign keys to the tool mode buttons.
You don't have to assign different keys to different buttons.
For example, assign the "1" key to the "Straight" button.
You can select the "straight" button with the "1" key for tools such as roads, train tracks, electric wires and water pipes.
Editat ultima dată de stmSantana; 26 mai 2020 la 1:14
I think it works for all network types, but doesn't carry over for park paths and college paths, and definitely doesn't work to assign "Fill" to shift+1 and "Straight" to Shift+1, "Marquee" to Shift+2 as well as "Curved" to Shift+2. Also I believe "upgrade" doesn't carry over from roads to water, not that it's super critical.
I will go to the comment page for that mod.
Editat ultima dată de stmSantana; 26 mai 2020 la 16:46
asterisk11231 19 hours ago
that said, don't recursively post that ♥♥♥♥ is broken without any details of specifics or what you tried, configuration, logs,

asterisk11231 19 hours ago
@Allystrya bind a key to the tool mode buttons - it's well documented in the comments the following thread, which also documents a workaround.

Yes, I can see just how extremely well documented this issue is with "details and specifics of what you have tried, configurations and logs." I see that from all 3 of you.

@asterisk11231 You say this happens on a fresh install with no other mods, then that would be the most vital log of all, without it, how on earth is it supposed to be considered documented let alone get fixed.

I never said there were not any bugs but bug does not equal broken and game breaking. Nor does it mean that mod being accused, just because it is the most visible, is the actual root cause. Without all of the info, which definitely has not been provided in this thread, then saying something is broken is not accurate. So please before coming after me please practice what you preach. Thank you.

In regards to this threads actual issue:
The most logical thing to do would be to start comparing your Output logs (UI errors often will show). Also I would post Auto Repair logs to compare what mods you have in common.

The last time there was an issue like this (more than a year ago by like 2 or 3 other people) with this it was an issue with settings on one of the Toolbar mods. I do not recall where it was, I think it was Paradox forums but I don't remember. I do not recall which one as I do not use any of them other than Resize it. Is that your problem? I have no idea, there isn't any information here to go by so it is shots in the dark which is exactly what an author would be doing if they read this thread due to lack of info.

However, technically, it could be anything that adjusts UI, even one that adds another button. May even want to check your resolutions. As an example of resolutions and UI's - I can't see the Outgoing/Incoming Demand button that TMPE provides on the Transport menu because of my resolution. It adjusts the UI in such a way I can't use it because though of IPT and the Vehicle Editor. Sure I could move the IPT editor to the bottom but then I can't see the whole editor. Does that mean that either of those mods are at fault? or bugged? No. So there are other plausible reasons. Not just the mod. It is however a bit difficult to tell without being able to reproduce it or see a log that the issue is on.

Yes, I personally keep the UI on all of the time and, no, I do not have this issue. However if I did the above is what I would be doing and looking at.

It's also numerously reported in the comments, likely the main reason why Mod Compatibility Detector sends users here. I'll try it again, but it's probably what we chose to bind Prop Anarchy to, in combination with the settings of prop anarchy, in combination of what we bind toolbar settings to. In the event I repro that with a fresh install, you want me to make a video? As I said I can repro it with just prop anarchy
Also since I don't want to completely unsubscribe to every mod again, unless there's a way to manage mods (since "inactive" doesn't actually mean anything), likely the only true repro steps is to buy a fresh copy of the game and all the same expansions/DLC, since there's no way to launch the game truly with just Prop Anarchy once you have ever used the workshop for anything else.

Perhaps a Mod Manager 2 configuration exists?
"details and specifics of what you have tried, configurations and logs." like really there's nothing I can do here since I never bothered to copy the output_log.txt when I originally did a test of just Prop Anarchy. No UI works for me, so the only incentive I have to repro that unless PDX actually changes "inactive" to actually mean something, gives me a "developer copy" of the game to run these tests on for modding purposes (e.g., Cities Skylines UAT) , changes how its workshop integration works, is supported by Nexus mods or MO2, or some other way for me to actually configure it - simply put, it's not possible to truly ever configure and test mods in a "clean" environment; there's no virtual install, no launcher-based mod configuration like other PDX games or "load order" in Elder Scrolls/Fallout, anything. It is literally impossible for me to try anything that would be relevant to solve this issue.
Postat inițial de asterisk11231:
Also since I don't want to completely unsubscribe to every mod again, unless there's a way to manage mods (since "inactive" doesn't actually mean anything), likely the only true repro steps is to buy a fresh copy of the game and all the same expansions/DLC, since there's no way to launch the game truly with just Prop Anarchy once you have ever used the workshop for anything else.

Perhaps a Mod Manager 2 configuration exists?

Create a 2nd Steam account, family share your games, Login to the account sub to only Prop and Tree, launch the game.
Family share doesn't share any DLC for the game, IIRC.
Postat inițial de asterisk11231:
Family share doesn't share any DLC for the game, IIRC.

Yes, it does. Since you will not be buying the game on the 2nd account. This option I have given you is what many asset creators use. this is from the Steam Support page for Family Sharing:

Postat inițial de Family Library Sharing:
DLC and in-game content

A borrower will have access to the lender's games and DLC, but only if the borrower does not also own the base game.

I guess I can take a look, the workaround is sufficient however; perhaps they updated Family Library Sharing since I last had that issue or the game was subject to third party EULA/DRM that took precedence.
anti-freak 26 sept. 2020 la 14:20 
Today I digged through the code and the related ui parts of the game. I found the solution and created a pull request for this issue. Hopefully bloody releases a new version soon.

It was a rather simple fix, but quite hard to find. Have a look here:
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