Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

[INCOMPATIBLE] Network Extensions Project (Newest Version in the Description)
Best Practice Cycling Infrastucture

I was wondering since you have now added cycle based assets if you would consider implenting best practice cycling infrastucture assets as per the Dutch CROW - Design manual for bicycle traffic or the recent NACTO guidelines.

Planning for cycling is a big part of the picture that is happening amongst many cities transportation planners atm, Cities Skylines however really only delivers simple bike lanes, which tbh on major arterials are very much away from best practice.

Examples of these assets would be

- Protected Cycle Lanes known as Cycle Tracks which are placed on arterial roads, unprotected cycle lanes on streets above 30km/h are considered unacceptable under CROW & NACTO (Shows a more recent Cycle Track Upgrade in Hertogenbosch

- Protected Signalised Intersections

- Protected Roundabouts

I have linked pictures of what these look like, however feel free to ask if you have any questions.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
PVPositivity  [developer] 2 Jan, 2017 @ 7:10pm 
This is interesting. Put the request for such a road design in the dedicated discussion located on this page:

What you have shown aboves proves to be of value.
I believe I did, but may have got buried under the other requests.
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