Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

4-Lane Pedestrian Bridge
No need to snap to the road?
Hey, even though the model it self is cool, I got curious to how did make it so it doesn't snap to a road, no need to place alongside a road like normal parks do.

I tried to make similarly some round abouts with built-in parks but they need to be placed along a road which makes placement hard if not impossible. So how do you do it?

By the way, I've found an issue, if placing on un-even terrain, the path follows the terrain contour but the ed model doesn't. Cheers
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Tair  [Fejlesztő] 2015. ápr. 25., 15:26 
You need the MODTOOLS mod to change the placement settings on the asset. You will find a tutorial in the Mod page. Yeah as with most assets uneen ground causes issues. Wish i could something about it. Althought most times its unnoticable.
Hey thanks, I'll search for this modtools
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