Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

IPT - Improved Public Transport 3.8.10
Harag 1 ago. 2015 às 10:37
Bus Interval Aggression
Can someone pleaseexplain what the values do in this setting? I've read the tool tip but to me it's not very clear eactly what the differentce is between 0,3,6 & 9.

Última alteração por Harag; 1 ago. 2015 às 10:38
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A mostrar 1-15 de 21 comentários
DontCryJustDie  [developer] 2 ago. 2015 às 2:29 
It controls the time a bus waits on a bus stop. Higher value means longer wait time and therefore the bus stop interval is reached faster but a higher value also impacts the traffic behind the buses because buses behind that bus have to wait until that bus leaves the bus stop.
Última alteração por DontCryJustDie; 2 ago. 2015 às 2:30
Harag 2 ago. 2015 às 10:44 
Great, thanks for explaining it, much appreciated.
Sileighty-Nine 3 ago. 2015 às 5:21 
Could you maybe make the Bus Stop Interval three digits?
I have it on 99 on my lines but I still end up with 2 buses close to eachother resulting in the second bus having no passengers.
DontCryJustDie  [developer] 3 ago. 2015 às 5:50 
Probably because there are to many buses on that line for that high interval value. High interval values are only good for long lines with low vehicle count.
Anyway I won't allow more than 2 digits because 99 (1min 39sec) is already extremly high.
Leeijo 9 ago. 2015 às 9:04 
I have a follow-up question I can't seem to find the answer to. Does it try to keep the interval at every stop or only the first? Since we don't know the total length of the route it is hard to figure out a correct interval / number of buses relation. Having too many buses with a to high interval could cause them to wait to much at the wrong places.

It would be a great feature otherwise if we could choose for the buses to only wait at first stop, or perhaps the middle one aswell.

Otherwise this mod is what makes this game truly enjoyable to me! Thank!
DontCryJustDie  [developer] 9 ago. 2015 às 9:18 
It will check the intervall on every stop. I'll add the total length of the line in a later version.
Harag 9 ago. 2015 às 12:30 
Do the intervals work with the budget control option on or off - or in both cases? I've tried both and if I set the interval to 10 or 99 on a ine it doesn't seem to make any difference to me.
korac 9 ago. 2015 às 13:02 
I'd like the answer to that one too as the interval code just doesn't work for me, regardless of settings, manual adjustments, etc. My buses still end up going round the route in groups of two or three, never seeming to pause at a stop whether or not there's another bus right in front.
DontCryJustDie  [developer] 9 ago. 2015 às 13:34 
It works with budget control on or off. How well the interval works also depends greatly on the traffic situation on that line. If you have lines that go through heavy congested areas then the interval probably don't work well.
Harag 9 ago. 2015 às 13:38 
Originalmente postado por DontCryJustDie:
It works with budget control on or off. How well the interval works also depends greatly on the traffic situation on that line. If you have lines that go through heavy congested areas then the interval probably don't work well.

Thanks for confirming this. When I've had it set to 99 for them to wait over 1.5 minutes, they don't seem to do, the buses seem to leave the stop as soon as they pick up and dropp of the plebs.
DontCryJustDie  [developer] 9 ago. 2015 às 13:46 
The interval doesn't mean they wait for that time on the stop. It is the gap the game tries to reach between two buses. The agression factor will increase the time they wait, I have said that several times now.
Gfurst 24 ago. 2015 às 14:17 
I think you could elaborate better on the functionality, sort of a faq thing.
From what I've seen, and correct me if I'm wrong, it seems like the bus will wait the interval time from the last bus that departed from the same stop, with some error margin the vehicles will eventually adjust and better distribute over time.
Seems to be working pretty well and its an awesome feature, cheers!
DontCryJustDie  [developer] 10 out. 2015 às 5:12 
Bus Interval Aggression is now Unbunching aggression. It will increase the maximum time a vehicle can wait on a stop.

maxTime = AggressionFactor * 6 + groundValue

AggressionFactor values 0-9 (0 will disable unbunching, 3 is default value)
groundValue = 12 for buses and 60 for metro/trains
Última alteração por DontCryJustDie; 10 out. 2015 às 13:29
Termite 10 out. 2015 às 6:12 
Where do you change this value, I can't see anything in the UI for it.

Originalmente postado por DontCryJustDie:
Bus Interval Aggression is now Unbunching aggression. It will increase the maximum time a vehicle can wait on a stop.

maxTime = AggressionFactor * 6 + groundValue

AggressionFactor values 0-9 (0 will disable unbunching)
groundValue = 12 for buses and 60 for metro/trains

Where do you change this value, I can't see anything in the UI for it.
DontCryJustDie  [developer] 10 out. 2015 às 6:14 
Settings menu.
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