Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

CSL Stats Panel
Operation40  [geliştirici] 26 Şub 2016 @ 6:53
help me test the new version
I'm cooking up a new version which I think is pretty slick..
-- trams stats (untested)
-- Government Vehicle category
+ snow trucks in-use / count (untested)
+ maintenance truck in-use / count (untested)
-- customizable XML config. all stats are added to the mod via XML and matched to objects/fields via reflection. advanced users can remove/add/reorder stats, change % totals, change colors, and more.. (the regular config screen is still in place of course)

I still don't have snowfall, so I'm looking for anyone interested in helping me test the new version (on snowfall):

Requirements for testers: Be able to follow the instructions below :)
"Download ZIP" from github:
find the DLL in bin/Debug and copy to your mod folder in steam library
(for me, this is: H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\<userid?>\412708301)

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13 yorumdan 1 ile 13 arası gösteriliyor
I just watched this topic. I downloaded the zip.
I go testing.
Trams, trains and ship public transit working:
"Customizable XML config" working.

-Trucks snow / maintenance: total of trucks error, forever 0.
-Garbage Capacity error. Should be equal to "incinerators".
-Trade: import/export trains and ships error?. Before was 15 or 66 or 105, now is 0,01 or 0.04 or 0,08..
(And tram no import/export, not necessary).

-In "Economy" missing "Immaterialresource" and "Goods produced".

In version current of mod (6/8/15), "Garbage Capacity", "Trade: import/export trains and ships" and "Immaterialresource" / "Goods produced" work ok.

En son benzoll tarafından düzenlendi; 3 Ağu 2016 @ 1:37
Operation40  [geliştirici] 3 Ağu 2016 @ 8:55 
thanks for reporting back -- I haven't touched this code in a while / wasn't sure anyone cared lol :)

I'll take a look
-"Trade: import/export trains and ships" I put thereby, and it works as before:

<STAT name="Imports Train" value="VehicleStats.trainimports" divisor="1" divisorsuffix="" multiplier="1" precision="2" keystat="false" alwaysaddsuffix="false" />
<STAT name="Exports Train" value="VehicleStats.trainexports" divisor="1" divisorsuffix="" multiplier="1" precision="2" keystat="false" alwaysaddsuffix="false" />
<STAT name="Imports Ship" value="VehicleStats.shipimports" divisor="1" divisorsuffix="" multiplier="1" precision="2" keystat="false" alwaysaddsuffix="false" />
<STAT name="Exports Ship" value="VehicleStats.shipexports" divisor="1" divisorsuffix="" multiplier="1" precision="2" keystat="false" alwaysaddsuffix="false" />

It is an unknown measure, perhaps containers.

-"Garbage Capacity": I made an adjustment. It is not exact, but it's almost like incinerators, jeje.

<STAT name="Capacity" value="CustomStats.TotalGarbageCapacity" divisor="1000" divisorsuffix="K" multiplier="0.063" precision="2" keystat="false" alwaysaddsuffix="false" />


By the way, where is the .xml file? I do not see, only in game..
En son benzoll tarafından düzenlendi; 3 Ağu 2016 @ 9:29
Operation40  [geliştirici] 3 Ağu 2016 @ 10:53 
it's in "My Documents\CSLStatsPanel\".. for me that's: C:\Users\Ben\Documents\CSLStatsPanel
this is specified in code using: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
so I'm not sure how that translates to Mac or Linux

The file doesn't exist until you click to edit it the first time, and then from that point on it will use the settings in it (if it exists still)

my reason for putting it in "documents" that is Steam autoupdates your mods, and I didn't want it to overwrite someone's customizations. I suppose it's maybe worth nothing then, you have to delete it manually if/when you uninstall the game.. though it is just 1 tiny xml
File appeared. Jeje.
Good option, outside the domains of steam.
Operation40  [geliştirici] 3 Ağu 2016 @ 15:28 
I pushed an update to github a few minutes ago

-- improved divisor logic.. there were places where it was dividing when the value was less than the divisor (and then not showing the divisor suffix "K").. This should fix the trade numbers
-- incinerator capacity wasn't multiplying by 16 for the "capacity %" math.. this, with the above item should fix the garbage numbers
-- immaterial resouce and goods produced should be showing now

added stat:
-- "Depot Vehicles Total", another stab at getting snow plow / maintenance truck totals. Let me know if it works (I still don't have snowfall).. if it does work, I'll remove the other 2 truck totals and we'll have this 1 total

I recommend you reset your config. Some of the things you updated should be fixed in the sense that I think the xml was actually correct and there were logic errors that I addressed in the code

I go testing. :steammocking:
All ok.
Less total in "government".

Total trucks (both) is 0.
And missing "snow plows" (trucks) in use (It is written in xml but with DEL)

Note,. In is city have not airport.
1/ in "government" put taxis.
2/ Mod not appear when start saved game (this does not always happen, is rare).
En son benzoll tarafından düzenlendi; 5 Ağu 2016 @ 14:54
Operation40  [geliştirici] 4 Ağu 2016 @ 16:14 
pushed a few more updates to github.. took a stab at taxi numbers

really appriciate your feedback so far
All perfect less:
Mod not appear when start saved game, ok.

1 / health = 85%, what is? 73 health tells me in game
2 / In "public transit", avalability: going from 0 to 100? Is it as a % seat load in lines of transport?
For example:
32 = few available seats
84 = many available seats
En son benzoll tarafından düzenlendi; 4 Ağu 2016 @ 19:19
Operation40  [geliştirici] 5 Ağu 2016 @ 6:41 
Those numbers are coming straight from the game code..
These are typically the same numbers that show on the city statistics screen (with the graph) -- I think the game averages them over a period of time (weekly maybe?)

Guess I'll have to break down and buy the DLC to try to figure out some of these numbers that I can't get to work (total plows and taxis).. I'm buying a house in 2 weeks though so I'm litterally saving every penny at the moment.. so.. soon(ish) I hope.
You have to save money, yeah. Hehe.

To be honest, if you remove taxis, I think you can update mod for all gamers.
In the future you can look "Total trucks" and taxis.
En son benzoll tarafından düzenlendi; 5 Ağu 2016 @ 7:04
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