Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Sun Shafts
Source Code?
Thanks much for your essential modifications, such as this and ssao.

I'm wondering if you have a Github repository or have otherwise made the source available. I'd like to attempt a few personal modifications, that I wouldn't presume to request as features.

For example, with Sun Shafts, I'd like to try to get the effect to render prior to tone-mapping/LUT application. I sometimes use a nice B&W LUT for screenshots and the sun shaft effect is unaffected by the color map (it's still light gold) which of course doesn't look right. Alternatively, I could possibly just change the ray color to white-ish and compile a separate mod for those instances... or perhaps read that value from xml. Whatever works.

Any insight is appreciated and it would be great if you could include source or post it somewhere.
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Menampilkan 1-7 dari 7 komentar
heinous_hat 21 Mar 2015 @ 1:31pm 
And then 5 minutes later... your update contains an RGB slider :)
Ulysius  [pengembang] 21 Mar 2015 @ 1:55pm 
I don't have much time right now but the code is very similar to Bordercities' code, which is available on github.
heinous_hat 21 Mar 2015 @ 6:30pm 
I'll take a look, thanks.

Your in-game control additions pretty much solved my problem, though.
deadboy 22 Des 2016 @ 7:58am 
Update it pretty pretty pleeeease
boldhedgehog 23 Mei 2017 @ 12:52am 
Well, I tried to figure out why this did not work, and it appears that Unity could not compile shaders from strings anymore, it was deprecated. My Unity skills are 0, so we need someone to look at it. I could not compile the shaders as well, just do not know how the hell to do that :)
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