Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

City Vitals Watch
Svish 28 FEB 2017 a las 11:13 a. m.
Suggestion: Highlight/Flash/Something when something goes red/yellow
LOVE the mod, and have a suggestion that would make it perfect for me. Would it be possible to add a notification of some sort when a vital goes past a certain threshold? 🤔

Should be triggered when availability type things hits yellow, and when usage/rate hits a certain percentage or something like that.

The notification could be that the vital starts to flash or gets highlighted somehow.

Would also be cool if, when the window is Transparent Unhovered, if the section containing "bad" vitals became not transparent, while the "good" ones were still transparent. I assume that transparency is on the City Vitals window though, so that would have to be moved.

Either way, would love to have this mod warning me when something goes bad 😀