Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

leftbehind 23 May, 2015 @ 1:51pm
Tutorial: Vehicle and Speed Restrictions
Traffic++ allows you to add custom vehicle and speed restrictions to your road network...

1. Road customiser

The road customiser button is on the right-side of the main toolbar, near the policy button. It has a picture of a car with a speed sign over it. Click it to activate the customiser tool.


2. Select lanes

Hover the mouse over a road and it's lanes will be outlined in blue. Click a lane to select it (it goes green), clicking a second time de-selects it (it goes back to blue).


You can select multiple lanes - just click other lanes to add them to the selection; they can be anywhere on the map, any type of road. Right clicking (left click if using left handed mouse) anywhere on screen will clear all current lane selections.

Any customisations you make will be applied to all currently selected lanes.

3. Vehicle restrictions

With one or more lanes selected, choose what can drive on them by clicking the vehicles on the menu bar:


The restrictions will be set for all lanes currently selected.

The emergency service vehicles have an additional mode - if the lights are flashing on the icon, it means they can only use the road if they are currently responding to an emergency (when the lights are flashing on the vehicle on your map). For example, a fire truck could use the road when going to put out a fire, but on it's way back it will have to find a different route.

4. Speed restrictions

See this guide:

In future releases, we hope to implement the following features: MPH option for speed, different speed sign designs (eg. American format, Japanese format...), on-road speed markings, and updated roadside speed designs.


I can't see the road customiser button...

See main FAQ.

Do I need to set both the vehicle and the speed restrictions?

No, you can set them independently, one or the other, or both. It's up to you.

Vehicle restrictions being ignored by traffic...

It take a while for your cims to update their sat navs, sometimes a few minutes depending on the size of your city. We'll try and make this better in future releases.

If you want immediate results, you can use the "Despawn" option provided by Traffic Manager mod – this clears all existing traffic, and any new traffic that appears will know about the changes you made.

I made a road faster but vehicles aren't moving faster...

Each type of vehicle has a top speed and can't go any faster, even if your roads allow it.

Why can't I set unlimited speed?

The game can't really handle it due to the way vehicles are moved around the map.

Do my cims prefer faster roads?

Cims prefer the fastest route, so generally they'll try and use the fastest lanes. But they might still use a shorter slow road if it gets them to their destination faster than a long fast road.

I might as well just set all roads to fastest speed?

You can if you want, up to you. But we might add disadvantages to doing so (like increased noise pollution) in future releases.

Although, having said that, there are some great reasons to turn the speed dial up to 11:
I've set fast speeds and now all my roads are jammed

Fast roads are like a magnet to traffic. So if you make a road much faster than surrounding roads, all your cims will try and get to the fast road... more traffic heading to same place = traffic jams!

What are the common mistakes?

The main mistake you could make is having bits of road that a certain type of vehicle can't get to.

For example, you might allow emergency vehicles on the road outside your hospital, but if the roads around it restrict them you're ambulances aren't going to get very far.

We're hoping to improve the UI in future release to make it easier to see what restrictions have been applied to roads.
Last edited by leftbehind; 12 Jun, 2015 @ 1:38pm
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Showing 1-15 of 40 comments
RyanC 25 May, 2015 @ 8:08pm 
Not seeing this "road customiser button" anywhere.
DeinFreund 28 May, 2015 @ 10:54am 
hi first of all thx for this mod,

my problem is that i cant edit linespeed or anything else...all the buttons are grey.
it says hover the mouse over a road to see the lanes but nothing shows up.

answer would be nice thx
DeinFreund 28 May, 2015 @ 10:55am 
ok sorry i figured it out.

thx anyway :)
VivaVii 28 May, 2015 @ 12:41pm 
How do i delete customized node when editing an intersection?
leftbehind 28 May, 2015 @ 1:57pm 
Click a destination node a second time to clear it.
rufen 31 May, 2015 @ 8:54am 
Can I modify the default restriction on roads so that I don't have to edit them after putting them on?
leftbehind 31 May, 2015 @ 2:41pm 
Not currently, but we'll consider it for a future update.
rufen 31 May, 2015 @ 3:15pm 
nice, thx!
[IDF] KRASH 31 May, 2015 @ 8:35pm 
Originally posted by RyanC:
Not seeing this "road customiser button" anywhere.
You have to go to your mods list in Content Manager in the main menu and find Traffic++, then click Options, then click Beta Test: road Customizer Tool
Noble 8 Jun, 2015 @ 12:22pm 
is there a way to clear lane edits that are already done?
leftbehind 8 Jun, 2015 @ 2:34pm 
Not currently, but you raise a good point - I'll see if we can get something to do that in a future release.
Redbeard 11 Jun, 2015 @ 9:23pm 
The "Vehicle restrictions" aren't working as supposed to. If I filter it to allow nobody to pass, nobody goes the road (as intended). But, if I then allow ONLY passenger car, then everybody starts using the road again. Trucks (both cargo and garbage), hearses and emergency vehicles.

That is NOT the "they haven't reset the nat sav". It's simply not working

(btw, I do appreciate the mod, I think its a great idea, but it has to work or else its just an idea)

This mod is up-to-date with the Cities patch they released, right?
leftbehind 11 Jun, 2015 @ 9:25pm 
Yes, the mod is up to date with C:S 1.1

As part of the performance tuning work we're currently doing on the mod we're cleaning up all the code that deals with vehicle restrictions so you should see an improvement (in terms of performance and reliability) in the next release (prolly 1-2 weeks from now).
Redbeard 11 Jun, 2015 @ 9:33pm 
Most obvious one that is misbehaving are tractors ... are you sure this works for them?
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