Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Silent Hill
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VorteX  [Fejlesztő] 2023. jún. 30., 17:01
➤ 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐩 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞
how to open chainlink gate
the chainlink gate is opened by taking 2 wrenches (that can be found in the garage with the commando wall-buy and in the mechanic room), and then interacting with it when you have 1000 points.

how to obtain a free Wunderwaffe DG-2
the Wunderwaffe DG-2 can also be obtained by shooting 6 teddy bears around the map,
1. on top of a trash bin in spawn area
2. on top of a window just outside the map in spawn area
3. on top of a coffee table in the apartments area
4. in the final area, looking at spawn, in front of the destroyed brick wall
5. in the garages area, between the hospital and the power zone wall, behind some boxes
6. in the school area, on the right of a locker

how to open door that requires power in school area
you will need to shoot 3 power boxes around the map. (with wunderwaffe)
1. spawn room, on a wooden telephone pole outside the map
2. power room, on the wall on the right side
3. behind the store with juggernaut

how to open hospital doors
the hospital doors can be opened by the key that is found in the final area on a bar table.

how to build the TranZit Shield
the shield door can be found in 3 places
  • under the left fire escape stairs
  • under the right fire escape stairs
  • in gas station, leaning against a car.
the second part is found in the school zone

how to obtain all the summoning keys

1. can be found on a bench in garage area
2. can be picked in the hospital after round 10 (will initiate a lockdown sequence)
3. can be picked in the store with juggernaut on a shelf after round 15 (it will spawn 2 manglers just outside the store)

how to obtain the axe
you will need to get the key in the apartments area on the pallet below the fire escape stairs
the axe can be obtained using the key on the locker inside the apartments

how to open door with wooden planks
use the axe to slash the wooden planks away
get to 2500 points and open it

how to get to school zone
after taking all the summoning keys head to the area you opened with the axe, place all the summoning keys, and start the lockdown (get some good weapons before doing it).
a door will open, revealing the portal that will take you to the school zone

soul boxes
after releasing the power of metatron (the lockdown you just did), 2 skulls spawned in the map,
one is just outside the building in the final area,
the other one is in the spawn room beneath the tree,
the one in the final zone will give you a free perk
the one in spawn zone will give you a free perk + open the door that was locked in the final area of the map
both will take about 58 zombie souls to completely fill

after opening the door by filling the soul box, you will have to head inside the room you just unlocked, you will find a terminal at the end of it
interact with it to be teleported in the spawn room and start the bossfight. (this will end the map)

Unlock the Necro City
There are 3 cathode ray tube televisions around the map, emitting a static noise, one in the apartment building on a table, one in the mechanic room and one on a sofa near the factory (final area, where you get the key to open up the hospital), once the players have interacted with all 3 televisions, a perk will be given to all players, and a door will open in the apartment building.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: VorteX; 2023. okt. 21., 6:40