Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

RllyyTwitchyy  [developer] 10 Mar, 2023 @ 7:13am
Treyarch [Mod Tools, Assets]
Infinity Ward [Assets]
Sledgehammer Games [Assets]
Vertasea [Scripting]
Scobalula [Greyhound, Rain on Screen]
JBird632 [Traversals]
Wild [Ascension Round Sounds]
ninjamanny829 [Ascension & Gorod Krovi Zombie Models]
TheSkyeLord [MW2CR Weaponry]
MidgetBlaster [BO4 Ray Gun Mark II]
Logical Edits [MWR Graffiti Textures]
robit [BOCW Perk Shaders]
MikeyRay [MW 2019 Textures]
Zeroy [WW2 Models]
DMac_442 [BO4 Models]
Justin. [MW 2019 & MW 2022 Models]
ProfessorWeeWoo [Container Placements, MW2CR and MWR Assets]
Madgaz [ZC and MWR Assets]
Wafflez [ZC Sounds]
HarryBo21 [Mystery Boxes]

Let me know if I missed anyone, I'll add you to the credits list.