Solasta: Crown of the Magister

Solasta: Crown of the Magister

SirMadnessTV  [developer] 1 Jan, 2023 @ 4:29am
Last Updates (Patchlogs) [SPOILERS]
Hey there, I transfer the patch logs from description to this thread as it starts to be a bit too long.

Version 1.01 24/10/2022
- Secured the start of Leoric quest. It can be played independently now. (Thanks Deckar for the report)
- Open some jails in floor 2 (prevent softlock in case of combat with no range weapon/spells.) (Thanks BigBearPaw)
- Added a bit of decoration in Tristram because why not..

Version 1.02 28/10/2022
- Secured the quest Ogden's Sign. It's possible to finish the quest by picking the sign first. (Thanks Kipsta)

Version 1.03 29/10/2022
- Fixed Invisible shop of Abandonned Vendor. (Thanks Blue Ryd3r for the report)
- Fixed DarkMage fight "stuck situation". (Thanks Blue Ryd3r as well.)

Version 1.04 29/10/2022
- Secured final exit of Horazon's section. (Thanks Garezyl for the report.)
- Regrouped a bit some monsters from floors 1-2-3 supposed to be in the same fight (Thanks Oltex.)
- Buffed The Butcher with 2 attacks instead of 1 - reduced in the same time damages to 1d4 per att. instead of 1d6 and frighten save to 10 instead of 12. (Thanks Oltex as well.)
- Added crafting tools in starting chest at tristram (Thanks Garezyl & Oltex)

Version 1.05 30/10/2022
- Added craft tools in starting chest (Thanks Garezyl & Oltex)
- Added a bit more space to mini boss in the secret tunnel (Thanks Oltex)
- Removed minotaur's head from lootlist of monsters concerned (Thanks Garezyl)

Version 1.06 01/11/2022
- Re-balance of casual loots on every floor (Thanks to Oltex, BlueRyd3r & Garezyl)*
- Re-shape the Horazon's Sanctum activators if it may avoid to trigger monsters too soon (Thanks to Oltex)*
- Replaced casual loot for 1 ingredient+recipe on every floor
- Increased quality of casual loots in "chests" to make it better than the rest of the floor
- Casual "low qual" loots (crates tombs etc) number reduced to apx 2 to 5 depending on the map.
Note that loot quality increases the deeper you go. Note also that Nest floors = Caves / Crypt = Hell these level are not supposed to be "after diablo" (but you can play it after if you prefere.)

Version 1.07 05/11/2022
*Thanks to Garezyl, Oltex, Kipsta and Kserkes for things reported to fix in this 1.07
- Modification of Defiler's loot
- Fixed exit's target Floor 13 & Pit
- Re-placed book in Floor 13 to avoid wall glitch
- Fixed the glitch as well.
- Added crafting tools free to grab in a second chest at the start
- Fixed TP/Spawn in Horazon's Sanctum (let me know if you're still stuck with 1.07, this one is a bit tricky)
- Re-balanced Butcher
- Re-balanced Diablo
- Re-balanced several monsters in deeper floors.
- Fixed npc timing of appearance for the custom quest
Important: This overall balanced is very tricky and still open to feedback and suggestions, so if you feel a monster should have more this or that, let me know in comment please. Same for Custom Magical items. Thanks everyone for playing this, still hope you enjoy your run.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 1 Jan, 2023 @ 4:42am 
Patch 1.08 (02/01/2023)
Special thank for whom reported things for this patch : Error3 - Dusty991 - Skigaming + Dudefurnowski + Garezyl + Steffenduckert + Willianbrandimarte + Bangbear + Stehwahn

Fixed :
- Secured anvil of Fury quest (if rushed)
- Secured Izual's Quest (if rushed)
- Cain dialog about Izual triggers too soon.
- Ogden's sign quest issue (you can now finish the quest no matter the order picked)
- Magic rock quest doesn't start if was rock found first.
- Poisoned Water Quest (you can kill the boss first now.)
- Zhar the mad quest (when dial then steal stuff.)
- "childs" changed to children everywhere. (My bad english is not my main language. If you find some other mistakes please report on adventure description.)
- Fixed other english typo.
- FR translation adventure's gadget correction
- FR adventure maps links broken
- Added Torches to buy at Adria's
- Celia's "Theodor quest" reward was not given. (She'll give an "original item" The Bleeder (ring.) stuck in the fur of Theodor.
- FR Leoric quest fixed for french players (auto translation broke the quest)
- FR translation correction of all names for : npcs, mstrs & itms.
- Modificated position of some activators in horazon's pit for better gameplay
- Added sfx for the Doomlock apparition.
- Secured the 3 gillian's quests to avoid conflict with her dials if triggered in messy order.
- Added a popup when Diablo is Unleashed.
- Added locked chests (with better loot than rest of the floor) for our rogues to enjoy.
- Added 3 Custom unique items for Monks : Yeti's claws, Horadric Fists, Tears of Tyrael
- Added gauntlets at Wirt and Griswold's shops.
- Secured Island of Sunless sea quest.
- Added Primed long sword at Griswold's
- Added another haversac at early/mid game + haversac and bag of holding in shops.
- Fixed Cow quest
- Secured Lester"s quest
- Modified Diablo resistances + Damages (slashing+fire-cold-poison-storm)
- FR translation fix - Dial Gharbad, Snotspill, SirMadness

- If you find a bug, please report in comment of the adventure. That way I have the notification. you can open new thread but I might miss them.
- If you feel a monster is not well balanced enough please tell me :
Which monster + what floor + in what was it unbalanced ? (too powerfull / too easy to kill or what.) Understand that there is "many" monster customly made so I don't remember everything. Every report is precious for everyone.

Thank for you time playing this adventure and reporting. Polishing such a thing is not a piece of cake. Thanks again.
Last edited by SirMadnessTV; 2 Jan, 2023 @ 7:56am
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 5 Jan, 2023 @ 5:31am 
Patch 1.081 (05/01/2023)
- Emergency Fix of sunless sea entrance that appeared with previous patch.
Last edited by SirMadnessTV; 19 Jan, 2023 @ 1:07pm
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 19 Jan, 2023 @ 1:07pm 
Patch 1.09 (19/01/2023)
- Some english typo/corrections fixed - Thanks to Arnold Stirrups
- Added Radiant resistance to all monsters past floor 5 (start at 6) To prevent Clercis and spiritual guardians to be that much op.
- Added HP and Fire + Psychic + radiant resistance to Zhar.
- Added 2 points of damage for each monster past floor 5.
- Added various resistances & immunities to monsters past floor 5 related to their nature.
(Exemple : acid immunity for acid beasts.) this on top of overall radiant resistance.
- Added psychic immunities to all sorcerers

If you feel that a monster should have or not a specific resistance, please let me know in comment which one, which floor, which resistance. Cya !
Last edited by SirMadnessTV; 25 Jan, 2023 @ 10:48pm
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 25 Jan, 2023 @ 10:47pm 
Patch 1.091 (26/01/2023)
- Minor fix in Adria's dial.
Last edited by SirMadnessTV; 29 Jan, 2023 @ 12:45pm
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 29 Jan, 2023 @ 12:45pm 
Patch 1.092 (29/01/2023)
Thanks to @DiceWrangler & @featherM
- Fix the issue where finishing both ogden's quests in a row broke them.
Last edited by SirMadnessTV; 5 Feb, 2023 @ 1:05pm
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 5 Feb, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
Patch 1.093 (05/02/2023)
Thanks to Firfurz
- Fix of isolated monsters in combat for floors 1 to 4 included.
(should be good but if you find others let me know.)

Known issues - wip :
- FR : translation to correct : all diary entries
- FR : translation to correct : all dialogs
- Fleshdoom quest can break if rushed.
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 11 Apr, 2023 @ 8:00am 
v1.094 (11/04/2023)
- Anvil of fury fixed (thanks to Fenter,Cloud_099,Aerontor,Jaypsi) - Solasta was updated, deleting some quest items from the DM. the Anvil of fury item had to be replaced by another one.
- Fix secretdoor openning in oldcellar (Geffray the Earnest)
- Cleared the way for Obsidian lords in lvl 12 (tarrick)
Last edited by SirMadnessTV; 11 Apr, 2023 @ 8:00am
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 5 May, 2023 @ 5:25am 
v1.095 (05/04/2023)
- Monsters rebalance
- Pathfinding modification
- Premium weapons added to shop
- Fixed Chamber of bones quest

Yet to be fixed :
- Possibility for player to retrieve ogden's sign skipping some quest steps.
- Possibility for player to enlight sunless see island's torch with spells.
SirMadnessTV  [developer] 1 Jun, 2023 @ 11:39pm 
v1.096 (06/02/2023) Thanks to Zappastuff who found the fix.
- Modification of the rainbow cloak that used a reference not available anymore on the core game.
- Also increased the entrance level from 1/16 instead of 1/12 if you want.
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