Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Consolidation Armament - Definitive Weapon Pack
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Dercaixr  [developer] 18 May, 2022 @ 6:01am
For troubleshooting problems
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Dercaixr  [developer] 20 May, 2022 @ 9:53am 
If you are experiencing problems with mod not showing up in the mod list, please check out this thread:
fede 20 May, 2022 @ 10:19am 
Hi @foltast

I just installed your mod on my server, it looks great, however i tried building a few Ancile guns (the energy weapons), however they dont shot at all, i had a few meteor storms and only my default gatling gun fired.

I even tried to construct an OKO because i thought it might be like the targetting system, or something, but that did not work either.

I am missing anything?

Btw they do have "target meteors" enabled, they just dont do anything, not targetting, not firing. (they have enough power, batteries fully charged, they are installed in my main base on a large grid)
Last edited by fede; 20 May, 2022 @ 10:21am
Foltast  [developer] 20 May, 2022 @ 3:08pm 
I have both versions (for large and small grids) intercepting both meteors and rockets. Perhaps you have changed some settings in WeaponCore?
themagicnerf 21 May, 2022 @ 9:57pm 
Foltast, there was a bug recently. Basically, when shooting (not at release, it happened sometime today), if you take control of it, the screen is covered in white. Every turret. Related?
Foltast  [developer] 22 May, 2022 @ 3:19am 
Fixed it in the last patch, thanks for reporting!
DrBossWatson 12 Aug, 2022 @ 11:43pm 
I can't get the fixed Nehte to connect to a conveyor network. Other turrets in the pack seem to connect okay. I even tried just attaching a Nehte, a conveyor tube and another Nehte and even a Nehte with a 1x1 container directly attached to it to rule out missing parts of the network inside the ship I'm retrofitting. Conveyor tube only light up yellow in my test.
Foltast  [developer] 13 Aug, 2022 @ 8:14am 
We are aware of this bug and are fixing it. We'll publish a patch soon
Silverado Legion 3 Apr, 2023 @ 10:33am 
Originally posted by fede:
Hi @foltast

I just installed your mod on my server, it looks great, however i tried building a few Ancile guns (the energy weapons), however they dont shot at all, i had a few meteor storms and only my default gatling gun fired.

I even tried to construct an OKO because i thought it might be like the targetting system, or something, but that did not work either.

I am missing anything?

Btw they do have "target meteors" enabled, they just dont do anything, not targetting, not firing. (they have enough power, batteries fully charged, they are installed in my main base on a large grid)
I have this same problem. It does nothing. But the Oko is seeing stuff. I haven't changed any settings in WeaponCore.
Foltast  [developer] 6 Apr, 2023 @ 12:45pm 
Hm, I’ll check what it can be
Just in case a few questions:
- are you sure that the target is in range of ancile?
- what is the weapon status in the terminal?
- did you tried to use it against characters or other than meteors objects?
Deathray88 6 Apr, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
Originally posted by Foltast:
Hm, I’ll check what it can be
Just in case a few questions:
- are you sure that the target is in range of ancile?
- what is the weapon status in the terminal?
- did you tried to use it against characters or other than meteors objects?

Having the same issue and have been trying to narrow it down.

Ive removed all other modes aside from yours, WeaponCore, and Camera Panning (WeaponCore Req).

Im testing it with a neutral decoy between waves of meteors to come down (Would an Ancile shoot at a decoy?)

The turret can be manually controlled and fired, but when set to auto/ai it doesn't react to anything.

I started up a brand new creative world and placed an Oko, Ancile, Thunderbolt, Gungnir, and Excalibur. The Oko, Thunderbolt, and Gungnir will all track and fire on both large and small hostile or neutral decoys. Excalibur and Ancile do not track or fire at all.
Deathray88 6 Apr, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
It looks like WeaponCore was updated just a few days ago, maybe that broke some things?
Silverado Legion 6 Apr, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
Originally posted by Foltast:
Hm, I’ll check what it can be
Just in case a few questions:
- are you sure that the target is in range of ancile?
- what is the weapon status in the terminal?
- did you tried to use it against characters or other than meteors objects?
I tried it against Enemy projectiles, and it did nothing. It also refused to fire on small grids. I have not tried it against meteors or characters though. The target was in range, and the weapon's status was "No Target", despite the fact that the Oko was tracking.
Dercaixr  [developer] 7 Apr, 2023 @ 2:23am 
If i understood correctly, you want it to shoot at decoys based on grids?
Ancile wasn't supposed to target grids in general, only projectiles and meteors. Unfortunately there is no way to define grid-based missiles and stuff as a projectiles, instead of grids, but we did not want it to fire at ships etc, thus this was the only solution.
Silverado Legion 7 Apr, 2023 @ 6:44am 
I thought it could fire on small grids. I wanted to use it as defensive armament on my shuttlecraft and as protection from strike craft on my main ships, in addition to protection from projectiles. I do at least want it to work with projectiles because my shuttlecraft don't have enough power to handle shields (The shield mod's controller says it would take over 10 minutes for the shield to charge on the shuttlecraft, during which it would have very little power available for other things like warp). But it hasn't even been working with projectiles for me.
Deathray88 9 Apr, 2023 @ 2:19pm 
Originally posted by Dercaixr:
If i understood correctly, you want it to shoot at decoys based on grids?
Ancile wasn't supposed to target grids in general, only projectiles and meteors. Unfortunately there is no way to define grid-based missiles and stuff as a projectiles, instead of grids, but we did not want it to fire at ships etc, thus this was the only solution.

Ancile and Excalibur are not tracking or firing at anything. Not meteors, projectiles, grids. Nothing at all.
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