Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

RP Good Reads 2 (Beta)
 Dette emnet er festet, så det er nok viktig
Stabby Con Carne  [utvikler] 6. juni 2021 kl. 19.45
What would you like to see in this mod? I have a clear goal of what I want, but I'm not too sure about after that.

(Please keep suggestions at least related to the concept of reading in an rp gamemode)
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Viser 19 av 9 kommentarer
DnzlJrdn 10. juni 2021 kl. 14.09 
W about an online book store? Like books that anyone with this mod can publish for everyone else w it to read. It might sound too far fetched tho
DnzlJrdn 10. juni 2021 kl. 14.12 
also the /desc feature is really useful but it doesn't work with saves/dupes. Any planned fix?
Sist redigert av DnzlJrdn; 10. juni 2021 kl. 14.12
Stabby Con Carne  [utvikler] 10. juni 2021 kl. 16.35 
Opprinnelig skrevet av WhyIsJordanSoCool:
W about an online book store? Like books that anyone with this mod can publish for everyone else w it to read. It might sound too far fetched tho
this is a good idea
Stabby Con Carne  [utvikler] 10. juni 2021 kl. 16.40 
Opprinnelig skrevet av WhyIsJordanSoCool:
also the /desc feature is really useful but it doesn't work with saves/dupes. Any planned fix?
Hm, with other props besides the goodreads entities? I'll see what I can do, I hadn't thought about that.
blazphemur 18. juni 2021 kl. 9.07 
for your planned bookstore feature do you think you could make it work with mysql so a server can save it's books? It would be neat to have a little menu u can search through all the books on the server. Would also be neat to have admins be able to ban people who save naughty books.
Stabby Con Carne  [utvikler] 19. juni 2021 kl. 5.50 
Opprinnelig skrevet av blazphemur:
for your planned bookstore feature do you think you could make it work with mysql so a server can save it's books? It would be neat to have a little menu u can search through all the books on the server. Would also be neat to have admins be able to ban people who save naughty books.

This is more or less exactly what I'm planning - a stored content browser that's more in depth than just the name of the book.

Currently it's saving everything on .dat files in the data folder but I've had the intention of making it work with the MySQL database once I get comfortable enough using it.
GroovyBruce 4. sep. 2021 kl. 21.28 
Two things:

1. The ability for entity descriptions to be saved on maps.
2. I think I can get you some decent models. There's great ones in Black Mesa, I've been using them via the model manipulator.
>KB> >KEKSQUAD 28. apr. 2022 kl. 21.26 
A convar to disable descriptions showing if the player is in a vehicle.
Eclipse 15. apr. 2023 kl. 21.54 
adv2dupe compatibility.
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