Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Green "locate icon" for an Epic Games user
I want to add on how to activate the green "locate icon" for an Epic Games user, as a few people have also asked about it and I just got it working. [Steam won't let me add a normal commet]

Add game to steam library:
Go to Steam, click Games, add a non-Steam game, choose the .exe file of Cities:Skylines.

Set startup parameters for debug menu:
In the Steam library, you can right-click it and go to properties and add "--enable-dev-ui" as startup parameter.

Activate unlimited camera:
In the loaded city in game, press tab so the debug menu opens. Select unlimited camera.

Thank you for the mod!
Naposledy upravil spagettidromeda; 20. led. 2022 v 15.18