Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare

Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare

Overhaul FGW
 Este tópico foi afixado, portanto deve ser importante
Jason Yang  [developer] 28 nov. 2020 às 19:10
Helen Park
OK as I decided, if possible, I will add Helen Park in COD17 as SAS or MI6 into the mod in the future. The problem is, I already have the model, but I need some help to make sure no gap between the head model and the body model(body model always come from the vanilla version). So if you know how to do that and want to see her in the mod, feel free to let me know.

我决定了 如果可能我会在以后加上使命召唤冷战里的海伦帕克(作为SAS或者MI6) 问题是尽管现在我手上有模组 但是我希望有人帮我一把 让脑袋和身体看着能连到一起而不留缝(身体是原版模型) 所以如果知道怎么做并且愿意早日看到小姐姐的话 私信我就可以了