Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Whispers of Winter
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Honest  [ontwikkelaar] 21 dec 2024 om 17:51
Deluxe Update *Version 3.0* OUT NOW
Happy Holidays... I got a big project (another campaign) in the pipeline so stay tuned for that too. But I have become a lot better of a mapper throughout these years, so I decided to go back and give Whispers an update it deserves.
Check out the Youtube Channel Linked to view more:

All Maps:
-*Color Correction/HDR Lighting is on every map!!! This means the visuals are a LOT better (finally LOL)
-*Optimization/Performance has been massively improved, lag problems have been fixed on all maps!! (If you crashed before playing this campaign in the past, give it a try now!)
-Survival Mode is available for all maps! (Map 4 was added)
-Scavenge is available for the first time, 3 maps are playable! (Maps: 1,3,5)
-Survivor Voice lines have been expanded, *all survivor voice lines actually show up in subtitles (read below though, there's still some exceptions), and come out of survivors mouths! (voice lines were the wrong entities previously which is now fixed)
NOTE: *Some survivor dialogue is unused (and featured in this campaign) and don't have subtitles when used, some of the Dialogue still needs to be triggered via an Ambient_Generic, so there's still a small percentage of lines that don't come out of the survivors mouths, this is not fixable because certain unused dialogue is hard programmed that way. Most of the dialogue is fixed just know there's a small percentage that has to be triggered as an Audio file not as a script file*
-A Percentage of Survivor Dialogue is now randomized!
-Nav has been massively improved (many god spots have been patched out)!
-More Graffiti Textures added
-Many Map Balance Changes/Level Design Changes (read down below)
-New Campaign Poster (Shoutouts to the GoogleSnoozer)
-Versus Scoring is fixed on every level! (This was fixed by removing Nav_blockers that broke the flow)
-Weapon Balance has been changed in almost every map, expect to see more random spawns, instead of static weapon spawns
-Increased the amount of items/weapon spawns across the whole campaign

map 1:
-*Added Scavenge Mode!
-*Mall Area has been expanded! The stores have open interiors!
-More Detail, Lights hanging in Mall Area
-Fixed nav breaking in survival mode
-Pill Cabinet in Grocery Store, the spawn amount has been changed from 1 to 2.
-Mp5 Has been moved out of the Gun Shop Closet, changed to be easier to find (Upgrade Spawn has been added to Closet)
-New item spawns have been added
-Improved Nav, Fixed some God Spots
-Panic Event Button Stops Glowing after Pressed
-Snow Piles Added in Exteriors
-Clipping added in a couple stuck spots
-Scout Spawn Added on Top of Scaffolding near panic event
-Added Player Clip on the indoor Theater Carpet Siding, to stop Survivors from crossing on them

map 2:
Performance has been massively improved, lag problems have been fixed (Crash issues on low end PC's has been fixed on this level especially)
-Weapon Spawns have been randomized
-Snow is placed on exterior props!!
-Hunting Rifle Spawn in start of the map has been changed to a random tier 2 spawn
-MP5 Spawn in the start has been changed to a Random Pistol Spawn
-Tier 1 Weapons in the Lab have been changed to Random Tier 2 Spawns
-Added Infected Only Spawn Room in the Lab Panic Event Area
-Various God Spots have been patched out
-Plenty More Infected Ladders Were Added
-Added a Survivor Invisible Wall near the cliffside to stop bots from falling off the Cliff (this does nerf the spot for SI, but its a valid trade because the Survivor bots are REALLY stupid when it comes to being near thin ledges)
-The Large Concrete Pipe under the bridge has a larger Invisible Box to again stop the bots from jumping off the ledges and dying
-Added 3 Pill Health Cabnit near Panic Event
-Fixed the Nav being broken in Survival Mode

map 3:
-*Added Scavenge Mode!
-Added more props in the level
-Improved Nav, fixed some god spots
-Weapon Spawns Have been changed to randomized spawns.
-Panic Event Will End Once the Generator is Destroyed (no longer infinite)
-Final Generator Health has been decreased by -800 (Now 500)
-Three Panic Event Button Times have been decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds each.
-Each Button's Glow Will Now Strobe, including the final generator's glow
-Panic Event has MUCH more survivor dialogue with the Crazy Train Guy, the panic event has more clarity from the survivors on what to do (includes randomized dialogue too)
-More Infected Ladders throughout the level
-Added more level design in areas that were empty
-Infected Blocker on Large Metal Door has been removed, because it was possibly causing NAV issues in Survival Mode
-Infected can drop from the roof of the panic event building, improved spawning locations for SI in that building
-Tree-line areas have been made infected only
-Windows in potted plant building are breakable
-More Melee Spawns, and items
-Added Forklifts
-Added Snow to outside parts of the Level
-Increased Draw Distance on Many Props
-Added First Aid Kits to the middle half of the level
-Removed leftover Sacrifice Entities that would sometimes break the map

map 4:
-*Added Survival Mode! This was planned years ago but I finally got it to work for this map!
-Fixed Map 5's Floating Weapons in Campaign Mode, this was fixed by making map 4 just a little bit longer, to allow the landmark to spawn the weapons out of sight
-Slight level design changes near the end
-Fixed Bottom of Water Texture being missing
-Weapon Spawns have been changed to be random tier 2's, instead of being static spawns, changed some weapon locations
-Added a chainsaw, grenade launcher and m60 spawns, added more throwables
-Turned off various props collision
-Survival Weapons/Items no longer spawn on accident in Campaign mode
-Nav in Starting Saferoom has been fixed, no longer starts map early
-Visual Clarity during Harbor Panic Event Has been improved
-Added a Survivor Invisible Wall near the cliffside to stop bots from falling off the Cliffside (this does nerf the spot for SI, but its a valid trade because the Survivor bots are REALLY stupid when it comes to being near thin ledges)
-Added Snow to outside parts of the Level
-Added Plywood to the death toll boat, to keep bots from jumping in the water
-Increased Draw Distance on Many Props

map 5:
-*Added Scavenge Mode!
-Performance has been massively improved, lag problems have been fixed
-Finale House has been nerfed, more holes, broken walls, infected ladders have been added
-Attic area has been nerfed, more props have been placed to make it feel more cramp (giant holes added too)
-Lighthouse has been nerfed, more windows placed throughout it
-Tiny Side House on other side has an added breakable infected wall
-Removed CSS Weapon Spawns in random parts of the map (replaced the AWP with an M60)
-The Creek is flat now, to fix the bug of survivors getting stuck in parts of it (trees in creek don't have -collision anymore)
-The Creek has ramps on both sides, meaning you don't have to jump to get up them anymore (this will fix survivors/zombies getting stuck on the sides)
-More Trees/Bushes have been added for zombie spawns/detail
-More Particles/Sounds added to Waterfall
-Fixed Bottom of Water Texture being missing
-Fixed the shadows being drawn on the trees behind the lighthouse (this fixed the entire area being pitch black)
-Weapon Spawns are not static anymore, random tier 2's will spawn instead
-Survivor Voice-lines updated
-Painting Easer Egg Added, Made to Reference what this map was actually based on
-Finale Helicopter Arrives Faster, (its max speed has been increased)
-Tree Trim in the background skybox is a lot lower
-Added Magnum Spawn outside of Saferoom
-Improved Clipping in Holdout House to keep bots/zombies from getting stuck on breakable walls