ARK: Survival Evolved
Additional Emotes
 Тази тема е прикачена, така че сигурно е важна
Server Running This Mod
A place to advertise your server.
Последно редактиран от reinerSCT; 13 ноем. 2018 в 15:24
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Vestiges of Humanity RP Server:
Extinction map, and running this wonderful mod along with some decor and QOL mods.
Come visit for a quality RP experience!
ARK: RAGNAROK NekoArk Official Server =^,^= MSUT JOIN Discord -
ServerIP - * steam://connect/*
Max players - 10
Max Trides Memders - NONE
Current Event - ARKaeology
Max Dino Tamed - None
Mods -
Launcher - Normal
Server Info (MORE DETAIL) -
14/11/2018 to when ever
Последно редактиран от Neko loveheart; 29 ноем. 2018 в 7:51
You wake up, feeling your head throbbing as if you had the worst hangover. You can't remember what you were last doing, but looking around, you don't remember being nowhere near a beach like this. You feel an itch on your left arm. When you turn your eyes towards it, you notice a strange item embedded into your flesh - it hurts. You try to pry it out, but as soon as you move your fingers above it, it lights up and a voice speaks:

You, chosen, plucked from throughout time, let me ask you this:

What is your deepest desire? Wealth? Power? Love? All of the universe's money, glory and happiness - it's all here. You could even become God, if you chose to.

So survive, thrive, kill and climb to the top - claim what is yours!

Welcome to The Elysian Ascent, survivor.


The Elysian Ascent is a NO FLIERS, HARDCORE SURVIVAL RP PvPvE server, with a strong accent on making the environment and the dinos powerful and making surviving and thriving a REAL challenge! Wild Creatures deal higher damage while taking lower damage! NO idle activities!

Here are a few rates and important bits - for more details, please join our Discord server:

Map: The Volcano
Max Dino Level: 300
XP Multiplier: 2x
Player Damage: 2x
Player Resistance: 0.4x
Wild Dino Damage: 2x
Wild Dino Resistance: 0.5x
Mating Interval: 1x
Immersive Taming ONLY
Taming Speed: 4x
Harvest Amount: 2x
Resource Respawn: 1.5x
Day Cycle Speed: 0.857143
Day Time Speed: 0.75x
Night Time Speed: 1.5x
Egg Hatch Speed: 5x
Baby Mature Speed: 3x
Baby Food Consumption Speed: 1x


Our community has the following mod list:

If you want to experience survival like you haven't since you started playing ARK, join The Elysian Ascent!.
This author's mod is currently being hosted on my GXD Adventure Servers. Our team has made new custom PVE and PVP content that everyone can enjoy. There are Factions, Cities, Arenas, and Outposts. Renew your love for Ark Survival Evolved with our GXD Aventure Servers! Here is the link to the server website:
Welcome to Zenith RP.
The last rp server you’ll ever need.

We provide a unique and fun experience for all types of roleplayers! We also accept all experience levels, new members or veteran players, as well as all types of players, those who are hardcore and those who occasionally need a break from the stress of real life. All members have a chance to make their mark on our highly customizable world.

Zenith accepts voice and text-based RP, however, adhere to the rules and only RP in the places provided. Community and friendship play a major role in our server; each person gets to be involved in almost everything we do. We strive to fabricate a place where all are welcome. A place to take a break from all prejudices and problems of the world.


This world and all of its inhabitants are said to have been created by the Dragon Goddess, the Mother of All, long ago. She created humans and her four dragon children, each baring a part of her - Flame, Sea, Forest, and Wind.. It is said that all of these elements were the basic building blocks used to create the world around us.
Each of her kin marveled at the Goddess work and went forward to give life to what she had created. The Wind Goddess, Aerin, gave flight to the birds and shifted the weather above and filled man's lungs deep with fresh air. The Sea Goddess, Nyoko, breathed life into the world's oceans with rolling tides and taught man to fish and sail. The Forest Goddess, Rehmi, raised trees high towards the sun and roots deep into the ground, baring many rich foods and taught man to grow plants and farm.
However, the Flame God, Firo, has a troubled relationship with each of his siblings. He gave the sun its radiant heat and the volcano its deadly molten lava, and his attempts to share his gift with man caused an uproar among the other dragons as man now had fire and was able to cause destruction to the land. Feeling chastised and cast out, the Firo lashed out, bringing more destruction, swallowing everything in fire and smoke, until his siblings battled against him and drove him deep into the volcano where he now resides. It is said that when the volcano rumbles and quakes, it is the Flame God stirring in anger and trying to get out.
The Dragon Goddess watched patiently over her children as Wind, Sea, and Forest Gods restored the world from ashes and gifted man children of their own. Companion dragons to aid them in their daily lives and battle, in hopes that should the Flame God ever return, Man would be able to fight and help protect the world from its destruction.

Mod List

Current Boosted Server Rates

o XP - 10

o Harvest - 2

o Taming Speed - 10

o Boosted Maturation, gestation, and egg hatch speeds.

o 3 pre-made factions ready for rp and members

o Premade Castle for each kingdom

o Max Character level 105

o Loads of events

o Custom Quests!


Join Discord for more info, and come chat with us!
Discord ---

This server will be up and running by 2/15/19, if not sooner. We are working very hard on everything to get this up and ready!
Howdy folks! Our 2nd season is starting soon and we’re now accepting applications for it. The server is hosted on a dedicated box in Germany with most people being from Europe, but we do have many folks from the US (including myself) who play regularly.

What makes us different? One important thing: the two admins who are the faction leaders play more as a cooperative “dungeon master” team - most of what we do is meant to drive events in the world. This allows us to focus more on molding an interesting story and other interactions for people to participate in.

We also offer more RP freedom than you’ll find on most servers, even if you choose to join a faction. Want to trade with the other faction, form odd friendships, play a race that is uncommon, even be factionless? Go for it.

We’re also trying out a new PVP mode this season - a “king of the hill” type thing where people gain bonuses based on the zone and how long they hold it. There is no open world PVP, but we hope this gives you a similar feel while still allowing those who hate PVP to opt out.

For the whitelist application, modlist, rates, and rules, please check out our website here:
You can also join our Discord here:
(Be sure to assign yourself the “Ark RP” role.)

If you have any questions, the best thing to do is join the Discord and ask in the Ark RP chat.
I hope to see you soon! :3
ARK OF FORKS (The Island)

Vanilla Ark cranked up to 3X with a few tamed dino buffs.
NICE AND FAIR, but not tedious.

NOT A COMBAT SERVER, but with the freedom of PVP.
PERFECT for people with jobs and families, but still looking for a challenge.
We are working toward ascendance, but only have limited time in the week to play, so its a long-term goal. Come set up and find a place to chill. Need help? Contact ""Sophia" or "Gurth" in-game!

97-98% up time
MOD: Additional Emotes
MOD: Light Controller
Ark Breakfast Club
est 2016

Automatic 72hr New Player Protection

Custom Offline Raid Protection and Passive Dino Protection

  • Small tribes, 4man max
  • PvP
  • X100 harvesting
  • X100 taming
  • Faster breeding time
  • Full item shop / kits
  • Points given for time played
  • Points for selling items
  • Points for killing dinos
  • Vote Rewards
  • Lottery every 40 minutes
  • Structures, Weapons, Dino mods
  • Structure Saver
  • Death Recovery

Mod List

Discord []
Celestial Roleplay -
A roleplay server were we won't tell you to fit under a certain theme, you can play who you want, beloved characters to new characters. A little pixie fairy to normal neighbor Bob even. As long as it all fits within the rules, apply and join the community today!
Our rates are
Xp multiplier - x7
Taming - x8
Harvest - x4
Resource health multiplier - x5
Food/water drain - x.5
Mating multiplier - x.35
Egg hatch - x8
We run this mod along with 17 other rp themed ones!
Kommt herbei ihr Ark Spieler, ihr Roleplay-Gamer und Liebhaber gemütlicher Abenden!

Ich verkünde euch, ihr müsst nicht mehr suchen, denn ich habe einen RP Server gefunden, wonach sich so viele gesehnt haben. Ja, ihr habt richtig gehört, ein Server wie er diesem Land schon so lange gefehlt hat und jeder Abenteurer in der Vollmondnacht sucht. Lauscht meinen Worten, wenn ich euch erzähle, was meine Augen erblickten.

Eine RP Welt, gebaut auf einem Fundament aus Ark:Survival Evolved, gemauert mit Mods und Erfahrung... Wisst ihr schon was ihr dort als erstes entdecken wollt? Es gibt so vieles, doch ich finde, das Schönste dort ist:

# Ein flexibles Berufe-System, dass RP fördert
# Realistische Herstellungskosten
# Ein eigenen Modder und eine eigene Mod
# Eine Geschichte, die tiefgründig und doch nicht allgegenwärtig ist
# Anfängerfreundlicher Start für jeden Charakter
# Alle Arten an fantastischen Geschöpfen, Elfen neben Zwerge und auch Mutanten wurden bereits gesichtet

Doch warum soll ich euch weiter spoilern, die Überraschung verderben? Nur wer wagt kann auch gewinnen, soviel ist gewiss. Glaubt ihr, der Muskelprotz da hinten traut sich in die dunklen Wäldern Valgueros? Oder rennt die Wache dort schneller, als ein Ravager im Abgrund?

Doch was ist das schönste Bauwerk, wenn keiner darin lebt? Helft mit die Welt zu verbessern und eine große Familie zu gründen.

Du dort, du schaust ja aus als wüsstest du nicht wie RP geht, komm mit mir und ich zeige dir wie grandios es ist. Der Preis? Nun, wer wiedergeboren werden will, muss sterben.

Habe ich euer Interesse geweckt? Kommt vorbei, schickt uns einen Taube oder sprecht uns an

(Sorry my server is in German only but feel free to ask for a translation if u interest in Joining)

Server Informationen:

Herzlich Willkommen auf Meinem Ark RP (Roleplay) Server mit leichtem Mittelalter hauch aber freier Geschichte. Die Lore wird nur in kraft treten wem man sie Herausfordert!

Server Ip: / Garten der Götter
Taming speed 2x Harvest 2x Exp 3x

Der server hat eine Whitelist, ich bitte also um die Steam Id zum freischalten.

Jeder der dem server Beitritt erklärt sich bereit IC (In Character) in Bild und Ton Aufgenommen zu werden! Danke an alle unsere Streamer die dadurch einen guten Einblick ins Rp (RolePlay) bieten.

Es ist Pflicht die Regeln und Lore gelesen zu haben!

Lithium RP was founded to create a place where people could come, roleplay, and chill. The ultimate goal is to have a fun active community that is as excited about the roleplay as they are about ARK itself. We are no more 'unique' or 'ground-breaking' than any other roleplay server that claims to be. We are just happy to be together, roleplaying in a game we all love-to-hate.

Season 2

The story of how everything--life, the universe, everything--came to be varies from culture to culture. Some believe that it was created by a divine being of ultimate power. Some believe that the exact conditions needed were met, and evolution paved the way from there. Still more have beliefs that lie somewhere in between. Regardless of opinion, everyone can agree that somewhere, at some point, it began and, over time, things have come to be the way they are today.

For this specific place, a land known as Valhalla, there is a much more simple answer.

The Kro’khan were a tribe of Orcs displaced from their homeland. They were made up of several family clans, having been forced together by their circumstances--normally, Orcs have single family clans and live separate from each other in strongholds--hanging on to survival by the tips of their fingers. For years, they were the only race in Valhalla, all from the same place and time.

Until they weren’t.

As different races arrived, so did different ideas. What was a simple tribal life took a shift into an organized society. An economy of coin in return for goods and services was born. Standards of community were created. The different cultures melted into a bubbling, prospering, pot of living breathing inhabitants. And with it came the need for a governing body.

There is currently only one ruler, a female Orc by the name of Ro’buk. She has only been on the throne for a year, and is already showing signs of fatigue. Or perhaps that’s because her entire family and half the Orc population in Valhalla were quietly killed off by some unknown group. Could go either way.


Map: Valhalla Redux
Tech: Smithy
  • Experience - 2.5x
  • Harvest - 4x
  • Taming - 2x (Immersive Taming)
  • Mating Interval - 0.15
  • Egg Hatch - 28x
  • Baby Mature Speed - 8x
  • Max Wild Dino Level - 150
  • Max Player Level - 105
  • Gamma - disabled


The information here is only an excerpt of what makes up our server. Just enough to give you an idea and, hopefully, intrigue you. Pop in an say hello on our Discord. You'll never know what may happen until you do!
Последно редактиран от Crow Valkairi; 12 ноем. 2019 в 12:49
Hello everyone! I am starting up an RP server soon. Right now we are testing to make sure everything is working! If you would like to get a head start on creating your characters and what not feel free to join the Discord!

If you would like to be part of the test team it does require you to donate! This is our way of showing our appreciation to our donators. The donation link can be found in the Discord.

Map: Ragnarok
Platform: PC Only
Tech Level: Smithy (no guns, metal structures, or tek)
Theme: Medieval Fantasy

Harvest: 3x
Hatch Speed: 8x
Mating: 0.5 (half the time till you can breed them again)
Mating Speed: 1x (default)
Maturation: 8x
Taming: 5x
XP: 3x
Crop Growth Speed: 2x
Hair Growth Speed: 1x
Imprint Quality: 1x
Max Character Level: 105
Max Wild Dino: 150


A message is posted on every town board and reads:

We have done it! We have finally found the ancient land of Bilora. It is the ancient home of the dragons! We finally found where they had come from! Scholars believe that it was one of the very first land masses to ever emerge from the ocean. It holds many fantastic beasts and lush vegetation. Bilora consists of many various biomes and a few islands off its coasts. Come all thee who seek to indulge themselves in this remarkable world! Maybe it holds the answers to the marvelous dragons that once soared the skies. But we warn you that worlds with such beauty and magic often have treacherous places to explore and secrets that should probably stay dormant... I guess that's all the more reason to seek it out!

Scholar Notes
My colleagues and I have made some interesting discoveries about this place. I must first say that this place is, of all essence, magic. Some of the beast's bones we have found suggests that something else used to dwell here a very long time ago. The animals we see now seem to be of normality compared to the surrounding worlds, which the nearest land mass to Bilora is one of very small size and is just a massive shore with a few trees and is about a months voyage. The most noticeable abnormalities are the giant, not really sure what their made of, things hovering in three very distinct locations all around the continent. Would you even call this a continent? It is a whole different realm. I cannot help but feel and notice some odd things about this place. Something is off and it is not of the good kind. Aside from my colleagues, I feel that something still dwells here. Something lies asleep deep within the island. One of the early scholars, he wished that I do not name him, said that he has seen someone, as if someone has been living here. He says that the figure is following us, watching us. The likelihood of anyone residing here is unbelievably low so who is this mysterious figure?

Rising Storm RP- RolePlay PvPvE

The world as we know it has ended or to be specific it ended hundreds of years ago during the event referred to in the few surviving records only as "The Calamity" that left the earth mostly lifeless with the few surviving organisms on Earth confined too isolated valleys. Now Earth has started to recover, life has started to adapt too the new changes to the planet and is slowly returning to the planet. Deep underground an ancient facility powers up, exploration drones launch and the caretakers wake. Machines start producing weapons and survival gear whilst construction drones dig a tunnel up to the surface and establish a beachhead in the wastes. Now after this all is complete cryochambers begin the slow process of reviving their occupants playing a recorded message whilst simultaneously displaying it on the screen .

We accept all types of RP both voice and text.

Get special bonus as a community both in RP and game mechanics by repairing and upgrading the Cryo Facility (More info in the discord)



Harvest Amount Multiplier: 10
Harvest Health Multiplier: 2
Resources Respawn Period Multiplier: 0.5
Structure Prevent Resource Radius Multiplier: 0.1
XP Multiplier: 3
Taming Speed Multiplier: 4
Day Cycle - 4 Hours Day
2 Hours Night

Don’t be shy! Come join our discord to learn more. Come Jump into this adventure with us!
RP Realms 18+ Fantasy Server (Season 2)
Non - restrictive, Open roleplay server accepting both non-experienced/ experienced :)

Lore -

Beginner Lore from S1-
The world was founded by the three guardians: Snow, Desert, and Forest. They made the sky, land, and sea. They are the protectors of all that is living and dead. When man was created, they were to live and frolic amongst its fellow creatures of this world, in peace and harmony. However, their creatures have grown and strengthened. Using the Guardian's work of art for their gain, destroying the forests, taking apart the land for their houses, and supplies. Draining the life that the guardians protected. It was not allowed. The guardians with anger in their eyes started a war against their children. The children united against their gods, to defeat them. After the long war, the creatures had won, they began colonizing, building civilizations and cities, each race separating from the rest, proving to one another that they were the best. Wars and battles began between the races. Hatred in each other's eyes to beat one another. Civilizations had fallen. The rubble and a few children of each race remain to rebuild the world that they were left in. The grounds began to shake, as if the guardians of their world, might possibly still be around.

Friendly Community

2 Weekly Market

Experience 6X

Maturation 10X

Hatch Speed 25X

Taming 5X

Harvest 6X

Mode: PvPvE

Fliers - Yes

Tek - No

Map: Valguero

Mod Menu

More information on the discord!
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