Dota 2
Overthrow 2.0
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Spirit Bear  [개발자] 2018년 10월 4일 오후 6시 42분
Q: What's with the Patreon benefit, isn't that pay to win?
Yes, it is slightly, but it's the only gameplay benefit that will be given to supporters. More Patreon features will probably be added but they will not give ingame benefits. For those that think its greedy, you should realize that many hours have already gone into bug fixing and improvements, and a programmer needs to get paid for it, we do not have the unlimited resources of Valve and we require some form of monetization if this mod is to be maintained and improved.

Q: Pressing play on the lobby list instantly puts me into a game, and it may be a map/gamemode I don't like, but leaving the lobby gives me a leaver penalty, can you prevent this?
No. Leaver penalty can either be enabled or disabled, we have no control over if its applied to players that leave during the accept game phase. We also have no control over how the game connects you to a lobby when you press Play. We suggest you look for a lobby on the lobby list with a map you actually want to play and join that way.

Q: Can you add the penalty time mechanic, so that we lose gold instead of randomizing a hero when hero pick time runs out?
No. The hero picking phase is not very changeable, the only option would be to entirely recreate a hero pick screen, and not using the default one, this is a possibility for the future but is not being considered right now. There would have to be more benefits to warrant recreating the pick screen.

Q: Can you increase or decrease the penalty time for leavers?
No, this is completely out of our control. We can only enable or disable the leaver penalty, we can't adjust it.

Q: Can you remove the banning phase or at least allow us to vote on it?
The banning phase is controversial. Some players love it and some hate it. We as developers have decided that its healthier for the game if players get the opportunity to ban some heroes. Without the ability to ban, some heroes will be always picked, every single time, for example, Sniper in desert_octet, and our thinking was that with banning phase it introduces the possibility of playing more varied games and not being forced to see the same hero every single game.
Banning phase is enabled by one variable, we can either have it enabled or disabled, we can't even adjust the number of bans, or if it's enabled for only other levels. Having it be a votable option is a good idea but the only way to achieve to this would be to recreate the hero picking stage entirely, which is a possibility but would require quite a bit of work.

Q: Can you increase the kill count in desert_octet?
Yes but we currently don't want to make it too high. We think it's better that players are left wanting more than being tired and fed up by the game going too long.

Q: Can you add a new map for desert_octet, it's a bit cheap to reuse the same map?
Yes, but we want to hire a real map maker to create a map of the same quality as the other Overthrow maps. If you want to see new and improved maps consider supporting us on Patreon.

Q: Can you make Tempest Double's clone be able to pick up chests/items/runes?
The default behavior of this clone is to be unable to pick up such items, but we agree it should be different for Overthrow, however, it actually requires remaking the ability entirely if we want to enable those functions. Its something we may consider later but it's not a priority right now.

Q: Can you give us more/less hero bans to use?
Unfortunately, the hero ban phase is not changeable, not without recreating the whole pick stage. It appears to be based on the number of teams in the game, so in Forest Solo, you can ban many heroes, but in desert_octet you can only ban around 3 heroes, this is an unfortunate side effect of a system that was only designed for two team games.
Spirit Bear 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 10월 10일 오전 5시 34분
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9개 댓글 중 1-9개 표시
HawkEye 2018년 10월 5일 오전 1시 09분 
Lets talk about this "you should realize that many hours have already gone into bug fixing and improvements, and programmer needs to get paid for it" for years the modding community has been a place were people did what they did only for the passion they had of the original game but since 3 years ago when valve tried with bethesda to monetize mods I've seen an increase in modders asking for money to mantain their mods... this wouldn't be a problem if :

1. The game mode wasn't originally made from Valve and the amount of work hours to fix the basic things shouldn't be that high tbh... you are just fixing an already pre existing mod made by the publisher of the game;

2. Every dota player is ok with customization of items ecc... and the compendiums show it, the basic game is strictly not P2W what you did was giving to patrons and extra 500 gold when starting a game and this is not good.. remove this benefit and think about a compedium like the one Dota Imba has or this mode will die off easily since the fixes don't pay off for the possibility of literally being in disatvantage cause someone paid the developer, don't try to come up with excuses for your greediness.

3. I'm pretty sure that people would donate to your patron even without a P2W bonus just to show their appreciacion, personally I thought about it before reading that you added a P2W perk ...
HawkEye 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 10월 5일 오전 1시 18분
Dr. Babouh 2018년 10월 5일 오전 4시 36분 
Pay to win is never a good solution. Go for some cosmetic rewards if you are that kind of greedy guy.

Remember that Dota was also a FREE (Warcraft 3) mod, and you know there is a lot of work in dota...
Seri 2018년 10월 5일 오전 7시 12분 
You can not justify adding P2W mechanics, ever. Not in a free mod in a free game that you don't have any rights to either. You are profiting from Valve's work and giving people who pay you in-game benefits to get more people to pay you. That is classic greed, and you know that.

You didn't have to add P2W mechanics, you chose to consciously. I was happy that finally somebody took Valve's abandoned custom game into their hands and fixed it to benefit the community, but I knew it was too good to be true. At some point you just had to go and ♥♥♥♥ it up. It turns out that there is no good in this wretched ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ community is there? Just a bunch of cretins who want to profit themselves.

Remove that P2W bonus and give people and actual reason to give a damn about you and your "team of hard working developers" and we'll talk. Until then, I've uninstalled this piece of ♥♥♥♥ mod and have been telling everyone I know to do the same.

Seri 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 10월 5일 오전 7시 13분
Prostagma 2018년 10월 5일 오전 8시 56분 
Change a few lines from the Valve's mode and call it a team of developers working day and night that need payment, ROFL.

"The banning phase is controversial. Some players love it and some hate it."
Quit your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you play the game and you want to perma ban some heroes that you don't want because you don't like the challenge of playing against OP heros. You totally screwed it with this change.

You don't understand that the meta in Overthrow IS FIXED, some heroes will be ALWAYS viable because of how this mode and the map is, you are guaranteeing that some heroes WILL BE ALWAYS POTENTIALLY BANNED, it's not like the normal dota mode where the meta really changes with the patches!. Every hero on this mode it's absolutely counteriable, if you can't deal with a tinker or a sniper get a proper hero or get good at the game!.

Also that thing of the "free boots", I'm not be surprised if you did it to give your self free boots, if you are not giving other advantages.
PogChamp 2018년 10월 7일 오후 12시 53분 
MegaDeth 2018년 10월 27일 오후 6시 45분 
Overthrow the original mod and then turn the mod into pay to win. Really made Overthrow worse with your greed.
☭Fuck Bluehole Inc 2020년 6월 25일 오후 9시 25분 
can anybody introduce the ingame benefits more specifically ?
entomber2 2021년 5월 28일 오전 11시 23분 
>patreon for two years
>still too cheap to hire a map maker to remake desert_octet
>p2w perks get buffed, free perks get nerfed
china #1!
entomber2 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2021년 5월 28일 오전 11시 23분
mode: weow 2022년 3월 10일 오전 8시 06분 
is there any plan to fix the core quartet map? it was the most fun to play imo
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