Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Soup Toaster  [utvikler] 14. juli 2018 kl. 17.50
Bug Report Thread
Current Known/Possible Bugs:

- not clear enough how gate system works in safezones (fixed in next version)
- saferoom items not transitioning properly, no items in Docks Map02 saferoom (will fix in next version, please comment if this did or did not happen when you played it. Thanks!)
- not clear enough what to do in Docks Map02 with the saferoom breaker panel (fixed in next version)
- not enough small items to find in map (will be added to in future versions)
- some areas are too empty (eg roadway in Deadening Map02) - This will be worked on as mapping progresses.

Unfixable Issues:

- no exit with credit roll - Sorry, this feature doesn't work with this project unfortunately. All score stats just read "0".
- no Versus - Versus mode isn't compatible with a project like this. Stats won't work right.

Please let me know about any bugs you might find and I'll get on fixing them as fast as I can. Thanks!
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Viser 111 av 11 kommentarer
Hoxo 16. juli 2018 kl. 23.25 
Idk if its a bug but after collecting 3 radio parts in that one mission the specials only came
and no commens. No door was opening for us, unless your suppose to hold out.
Soup Toaster  [utvikler] 17. juli 2018 kl. 3.16 
That's very strange, I've never had that happen before. Were you running any mods?
Hoxo 17. juli 2018 kl. 10.09 
No mods that can change the way a map functions.
Lucy Is Very Noob 4. sep. 2018 kl. 16.14 
same BUG here
Shock 2. apr. 2019 kl. 13.44 
I can't play 3 minutes of the first map cause the game just crashes
Soup Toaster  [utvikler] 2. apr. 2019 kl. 17.26 
Shock - try turning off your other mods. You should be fine using weapon and survivor replacements, but you CAN'T use a mods that let you play as L4D1 survivors.
Gatekeeper_96 31. juli 2019 kl. 7.24 
Game crashed when take a few steps
warmainiac 3. aug. 2019 kl. 16.52 
not nessasarly a bug but more like an incompatibilty, when enhanced spawn l4d2 survivors as well as playable survivors l4d1 campaigns (required for enhanced spawn l4d2 survivors) , it prevents continuing as well as special infecteds spawning in the safe areas

links to mods:
Soup Toaster  [utvikler] 11. aug. 2019 kl. 13.06 
Yeah, this mod really needs spawning to happen in a specific way to work. Maybe some day we'll get l4d3 and the engine will be a little more flexible. :-)
warmainiac 11. aug. 2019 kl. 13.29 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Soup Toaster:
Yeah, this mod really needs spawning to happen in a specific way to work. Maybe some day we'll get l4d3 and the engine will be a little more flexible. :-)
while the other half is still waiting for half life 3
chuckpolk 19. aug. 2021 kl. 11.43 
Many buildings, particularly once I reach the Warf, aren't showing wall textures. Just gray blocks with "50% Reflectivity" written on them.

Also, don't know if this is necessarily a "bug" but I can't seem to join an online server! It keeps timing out. So I can only play this in single player, which sort of defeats the idea behind this great addon!
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