[WOTC] EU Aim Rolls
PLEASE READ - for Long War 2 (LW2) users
  • Go to this folder (or equivalent):
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123516056\Config

  • Open XComAimRoll.ini

  • Find this line at the top and change true to false:
    +ENABLE_EU_AIM_ROLLS=true ; This enables EU aim rolls patch for vanilla, if playing LW2 set this to false and enjoy the rest of the functionality

  • Find this line at the bottom and remove the semicolons ( ; ) from all the lines UNDER it (but not from this line):
    ;Uncomment these lines for LW2

  • Save & close the file. That's it.

Note: Using Alternative Mod Launcher makes such things trivially easy.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Nemo Jr.; 2021. szept. 1., 20:32
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I'm guessing this also goes for Long War of the Chosen?
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