Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Procedural Objects
WTC1973 9 out. 2022 às 13:37
Placing PO in one certain area doesn't allow the game to save.
I've been using this mod for a long time and a city I'm building, use it a lot, but in one area I try to make something out of with PO, when everything is done and I try to save, the saving just goes into an endless loop and never goes to "Packaging", when if I use PO in other areas, the game saves fine and dandy. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me, and why is this happening?
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WTC1973 9 out. 2022 às 17:00 
Nevermind, found this out myself. Think I hit a limit of using PO.
My problem is worse: placing CO will let my game stuck at a 'pause' state, where all things stop moving and I cannot select any citizens/vehicles/buildings. Dont know if it is caused by the same reasom.
WTC1973 22 dez. 2023 às 8:54 
Aw that sucks
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