Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

884 평점
Football/Soccer Asset Pack
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Assets: Prop
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18.781 MB
2017년 6월 23일 오전 6시 23분
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Football/Soccer Asset Pack

Modular Football/Soccer Asset Pack by DeCzaah



This is an modular asset pack with different football (soccer, Fußball, piłka nożna or whatever you want to call it) assets for your city! Like you see on the pictures on top, you can create big training facilities for first league clubs, but also facilities for small “Sunday-League” clubs.
Also, I tried to make the size of every asset original (105m long pitches, 7,32m width goals, etc.), away from all the small sized stuff.

Asset list:
- 105m x 68m real grass pitch (Park)
- 105m x 68m fake (artifical) grass pitch (Park)
- 68m x 48m small, fake (artifical) grass pitch for the youth (Park)
- white goal with net, with 4 color variations: all white, white/black, white/red, white/blue
- yellow goal with net, with 4 color variations: yellow/black, yellow/red, yellow/blue, yellow/white
- high fence, up to 11m (standard height: 3m, adjust it with MoveIt!), grey
- floodlight mast, 20m high, with 4 working floodlights
- small building (picture on top) (Park)
- small garage (picture on top) (Park)

To find the props in the game, you need the more beautification mod!
Also, use the MoveIt! mod for better placing!

But that's not all. Like you see on the pictures, I also made some adboards, fences, other buildings and vehicles like a bus or cars, which I will also upload.

Source of the real life picture on top:

댓글 93
Lordwarblade 2024년 3월 22일 오후 3시 28분 
Lod texture sizes are invalid in this pack, as per LSM. They are for the three pitches.

I removed the pitches from the folder but kept everything else.

Thale5's Guide:

Invalid LOD texture size

Asset texture sizes should always be powers of two (32, 64, 128, and so on) for optimal GPU performance (FPS).

In Cities Skylines, weird LOD texture sizes can also cause black textures that appear when you zoom out.

Typically, the black textures appear in other assets or prefabs than the one that has the invalid texture. This has made the problem especially difficult to troubleshoot.

Also main (non-LOD) texture sizes should be powers of two. If not, the texture can sometimes cause weird lighting effects.

NOTE: This does NOT seem to be causing the shiny black textures seen in some workshop hotels.
moynetristan 2023년 8월 24일 오전 12시 30분 
no matter how many pitches their are in their training center, dortmund will never beat bayern to the bundesliga title, cool asset thanks
CaptainBlueGuy 2022년 9월 18일 오전 8시 36분 
could we get a north american football asset?
s0ul 2022년 1월 10일 오전 7시 44분 
It is working fine, the only problem is it missing the grass texture, but you only could note it in very close views (preview pic 8), this is the source of error from this asset in LSM.
Also, this pack never had the two bigger buildings with roof from the complex, you can check in the asset list in description. But, you can recreate it using PO with the two smaller buildings or downloading similar ones in the workshop.

This pack is from 2017 and the last activity from DeCzaah is from 2019, so unfortunately for us this is probably will never be fixed and we have to work with what we got or just not use it.
Hope it helps, cheers.
ebayoan7 2021년 12월 30일 오후 11시 42분 
More beautification is broken please change to "Find it"
Stvn94 2021년 12월 5일 오후 4시 21분 
Great assets! Could you please share the other 2 buildings?
StayHungryStayFoolish 2021년 9월 1일 오전 8시 16분 
Invalid LOD texture size 256 x 160
Invalid LOD texture size 256 x 160
Miguel Martins 2021년 6월 1일 오후 12시 05분 
It is not working. Can you please fix it? Thank you
davidvanholten 2021년 5월 21일 오전 4시 26분 
LSM mod gave me the following asset erros:

Football Soccer Pitch Artifical1
Invalid LOD texture size 256 x 160
Invalid LOD texture size 256 x 160

Football Soccer Pitch Artifical2
Invalid LOD texture size 256 x 160

Football Soccer Pitch Grass
Invalid LOD texture size 256 x 160
Invalid LOD texture size 256 x 160
Makk 2021년 1월 21일 오후 4시 51분 
plzzzzzzzz fix it:steamsad: