Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,264 人が評価
Canary Island Date Palm
Assets: Tree
5.912 MB
2016年8月22日 13時15分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Canary Island Date Palm

MrMaison 作成の 1 件のコレクション
MrMaison's Nature Collection
127 アイテム
Canary Island Date Palm by MrMaison

I present to you a Canary Island Date Palm tree. This is good for decoration and any tropical scenes. This is a 2 piece set including small and tall versions.
I plan to make other types of Date palm trees in the future.
More info on the real tree here

Canary Island Date Palm- 1785 tris 1024 texture
Canary Island Date Palm Tall- 1925 tris 1024 texture
Normal map for bark included

Most of my screenshots are taken in a Temperate Biome with no LUT in most cases. I do use Ultimate eyecandy to give a little fog in many shots and Ambient Oclusion.

Get "Tree LOD Fix" by TPB for better LODs in the distance

For those who don't know, I strongly suggest Daylight Classic mod to fight the game's yellow hue.

As usual, I strongly suggest Boformer's Random Tree Rotation mod updated by Judazz
And his LOD Toggler mod

Also BloodyPenguin's No Radioactive Mod
And Prop and Tree Anarchy

Sharp Textures mod really makes a difference in how the foliage looks in game

Please Rate if you like it. Thank you and Enjoy!
40 件のコメント
happysmash27 2022年1月30日 21時12分 
There is a severe lack of good free 3D tree assets for use in 3D software like Blender (or at least I can't find any), while there are many fantastic ones for Cities: Skylines, such as this one. How did you create such a fantastic tree? Do you have any recommendations for tutorials, techniques, texture sources, or anything else that could be used to create a tree asset in similar quality?
Cloud 2019年7月1日 13時25分 
MrMaison, can you please make a Cretan Date Palm, it would mean the world to me. Here's a reference pic i found:
jonathanlopezbrito 2019年6月13日 15時28分 
OMG... I was searching this for a long time!!! I'm from the Canary Islands and I'm so happy to see here this palm tree... for me, one of the best tress of the world :steamhappy:
CertainDeath 2018年10月6日 20時25分 
Top 20 of my favourite Trees. My favourite Palm Tree. Exceptionally good work, TY.
zefilipe 2017年8月13日 8時55分 
jonathan_on trees do not reduce noise! Just in case you build a road with trees they will. If you build a road without trees and planting some trees beside the road instead, these trees won't stop the noise and they will not up-value the area.
MrMaison  [作成者] 2017年8月3日 19時00分 
jonathan_on- Not sure but I suppose all trees share the same properties.

jonathan_on 2017年8月3日 17時31分 
Does this tree also reduce noise, like the vanilla trees do?
MrMaison  [作成者] 2017年7月18日 11時00分 
zefilipe- It really depends on what LUT you use. I think I used the default Temperate LUT in the screenshots. I have more date palms on my to do list with darker fronds. Keep an eye out for it.
zefilipe 2017年2月1日 1時16分 
unfortunately way to understurated for my needs especially compared to the other trees. The palms in your preview pics are much darker
bigbuddahcheese 2016年12月17日 14時18分 
Oh shit ive actually seen these before when i lived over in the canary islands jesus this is nostalgic