Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,059 voti
The Shady Bush
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Assets: Tree
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6.266 MB
5 mar 2016, ore 2:28
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The Shady Bush

In 1 collezione di MrMaison
MrMaison's Nature Collection
127 elementi
The Shady Bush by MrMaison

Introducing The Shady Tree Bush!
These bushes are great for parks, landscaping, and fillers among taller trees.

This asset contains 2 crp files including the default and lighter shaded version for a slight variation of foliage

2,241 tris (it's a smaller version of the Shady Tree in bush form)
27 commenti
Lucha 19 nov 2018, ore 9:26 
Great for arid fields
CertainDeath 10 ott 2018, ore 4:41 
A Bush that sits on the ground would be really nice. where you cant see the trunks.
like in following examples. would be very nice for edges of forests.
MrMaison  [autore] 23 set 2018, ore 14:51 
Malvictis- This was one of my earliest tree assets. It's harmless tho :)
Troy Havok 23 set 2018, ore 11:47 
Beautiful, but...sooo many tris...
pHLEGMUS 17 lug 2017, ore 10:08 
Best CS bush ever made
Sgt. Panther 25 set 2016, ore 14:56 
*Insert political joke here*
Waterflame6 25 ago 2016, ore 18:13 
k e r a l i s s e n t m e h e r e
HaedesMC 10 mar 2016, ore 14:34 
thank you too
MrMaison  [autore] 10 mar 2016, ore 12:12 
HaedesMC- and thanks!
MrMaison  [autore] 10 mar 2016, ore 12:11 
HaedesMC- I use first person camera mod by nlight. I have depth of field turned all the way down or off.