Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

164 arvostelua
Gwanghwamun [광화문]
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8.740 MB
19.4.2015 klo 3.29
21.4.2015 klo 7.49
3 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Gwanghwamun [광화문]

Gwanghwamun by Kugisa

Gwanghwamun (Hangul: 광화문; hanja: 光化門) is the main and largest gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace, in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It is located at a three-way intersection at the northern end of Sejongno. As a landmark and symbol of Seoul's long history as the capital city during the Joseon Dynasty, the gate has gone through multiple periods of destruction and disrepair. Restoration work on the gate was finished and it was opened to the public on August 15, 2010.

Construction cost: 80000
Size : 8 x 3
Type: Level 6 Unique building

Tris : 9826
Only Diffuse map 1024*1024 , LOD map 512
Scale : 1.5:1 Enlarge
Custom LOD

- The Palace walls have been added
38 kommenttia
ifariblue 30.11.2024 klo 0.25 
월대모드가 있나
발전기 성애자 12.6.2018 klo 15.48 
저 문 통과할수만 있으면 완벽할듯
Kugisa  [tekijä] 7.6.2018 klo 7.01 
내가 이걸 어떻게 만들었지 제정신이 아니였구만 ㅋㅋ
19.1.2017 klo 1.50 
기와 모양까지 디테일이 정말 살아있네요~!
Timych 26.1.2016 klo 2.19 
AD, please.
Captain-No 1.11.2015 klo 13.57 
fit well in the -SOUTH KOREA- all in one Collection:
Ricky Hoseph 14.10.2015 klo 8.20 
After Dark 업데이트 해주세요.
letter0479 24.9.2015 klo 21.30 
감사합니다^^ 31.8.2015 klo 3.24 
와우!! 대단합니다
Wait a minute, Who r u? 4.7.2015 klo 11.37 
감사해요~~ 잘쓸게요