Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Precise Timers (Frame by Frame Countdown of Timers)
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14 apr 2015, ore 6:54
18 apr 2015, ore 6:03
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Precise Timers (Frame by Frame Countdown of Timers)

Important Update: Before I was checking if the timer already existed in the list of timers it checks by their name, and could cause some unintentional behavior. Now it works perfectly as intended.

Allows the countdown delay to be set to a certain amount of frames instead of seconds.

Add this script to a Programmable Block and create a timer that Triggers itself and the Programmable Block.

Add "Adv" (Without quotation marks, capitals matter) to the end of a timer name to mark it for Tick by Tick countdown.
When you do so, the delay will be considered in terms of Ticks instead of seconds, and there is 60 ticks in a second (So 30 seconds delay would become half a seconds delay)

Be aware if you remove Adv in the Timer Name it wont stop being a Precise Timer until you reload the world or you recompile the programming block.

Be aware that it takes up to 10 seconds for the script to recognize a newly named timer. So wait 10 seconds after you renamed the timer before testing it.


(When I say frame above, I mean a Sim Tick. I say Frame since it is more intuitive to more people. This means that this script is not affected by your FPS, but only by Sim Speed, which is good)
155 commenti
SioxerNikita  [autore] 26 set 2024, ore 13:31 
Hopefully, I really should've updated it to trigger by itself XD regardless still works.
Merlin 25 set 2024, ore 23:35 
A decade later and the script still works perfectly.
SioxerNikita  [autore] 10 mag 2024, ore 17:28 
@YCMKNDY90 No clue haven't played for a long time, since May 11th 2022 XD
L5sumu 10 mag 2024, ore 17:02 
Isn't the Automatons timer block compatible?
Marcusinfestus 21 ott 2023, ore 18:55 
I get it. Too bad really. This mod makes so many things possible!
SioxerNikita  [autore] 17 ott 2023, ore 3:38 
@Marcusinfestus I perfectly understand why KEEN wouldn't do that.

The game is not optimized for having tons of timers running and being triggered at tick rate. It never will be.
Marcusinfestus 14 ott 2023, ore 10:21 
I wish KEEN would just make this a thing; 1 sec just isn't tight enough.
Reverie Lightmare 14 ott 2023, ore 5:25 
This isn't working for me either unfortunately.
SioxerNikita  [autore] 4 ott 2023, ore 0:06 
It should, nothing has really changed.
TH3 L00S3 C@NN0N 3 ott 2023, ore 13:10 
Is this script still working? I am trying to set it up to drop bombs .25 seconds apart. I have the timers with Adv at the end at set 25 seconds (ticks) apart but it’s still going by seconds