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Bendy's Testing Adventure Chapter 1 Part 13
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Bendy's Testing Adventure Chapter 1 Part 13

Bendy's Testing Adventure (The Collection)
26 αντικείμενα
Welcome back to Bendy's Testing Adventure.

On this part Bendy will take on the Final Initiation test, Bendy will learn about the Gels.

There's no hidden radio on this part.

Did you notice Bendy holding Cookies in the logo? Make a guess in the comments what you think the next food item will be... (NOTE: This will be the final food guess)

Did you make a guess what the final food item Bendy will hold in the next part?

Did you encounter a bug?

Feel free to leave a comment if yes was your answer to any of these questions!


Want to keep up to date on future map publishings for Bendy's Testing Adventure?
Keep up to date with the official Bendy's Testing Adventure Collection here ---> https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3291054598

Want to try another series of mine while you wait for more map publishings?
Feel free to try out my "New Old Testing" series.
The Collection for New Old Testing can be found here ---> https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filed
15 σχόλια
ScottW92 13 Φεβ, 6:48 
Thank you for getting back to me, I just finished the FINALE and wow, very well done, it's been a while since I played a chamber that made me properly think. I'm looking forward to starting chapter 2 now :D Amazing job
GamerXD54 Labs  [Δημιουργός] 12 Φεβ, 13:51 
@ScottW92 2/2

The goodnews is the Secrets Return in Chapter 3.

I posted a status update on my current progress with Chapter 3 here: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/workshop/filedetails/discussion/3291054598/601895227829004172/

TLDR: Currently dealing with some IRL stuff, so I'm on a hiatus atm, but I still have passion to continue BTA.
GamerXD54 Labs  [Δημιουργός] 12 Φεβ, 13:51 
@ScottW92 1/2

There were plans to add a secret in this part and the chapter 1 finale, but I scrapped them, one of the reasons was because of how I wanted to do the secrets.

If you noticed, every secret is basically "Teasing" what the next part will be about, example;

- The Advanced H.E.Ps secret teased The Companion Cube, which became the next part, then the secret in that one teased the lasers, which were in the next one etc...

That is the reason why part 13 didn't have a secret, since there wasn't anything I wanted to tease (unless you count the Auto Blue Portal Gun, but that wasn't an element that I wanted the player to use [Like the cube, buttons, and Funnels] The Portal Gun on the Pedestal for the Chapter 1 finale was just a one off for the trial)

That's also why the chapter 1 finale didn't have a secret either, there wasn't anything that I could base a secret on.

Basically, I'm only going to include a secret if I can have it match it with the flow of the map/level
ScottW92 12 Φεβ, 6:33 
Is there a secret room in this part? I've found every one up to now, but have replayed this one and looked everywhere and not found one. Absolutely loving the series!
okdudestop 6 Δεκ 2024, 8:53 
absolute chad
GamerXD54 Labs  [Δημιουργός] 4 Δεκ 2024, 7:33 
@Red Diamond

That's actually a pretty rare bug where sometimes the pre-placed Gel splats don't drop correctly. Surprisingly, I haven't got that issue while playtesting, but I had a solution ready in case it ever did for someone, (Which now it has lol)

I updated the map, and in case that happens again, I now added in that "Back up" to make sure Blue Gel is always there.

I've never had it happen to the orange gel (Yet), but in case it does, I have a solution for that aswell, "IF" that time somes.

Thank you for reporting the issue. :steamthumbsup:
Red Diamond 3 Δεκ 2024, 19:40 
not sure if it's a bug or not but when i started the test, the blue gel wasn't at the first door
Hydrate 3 Δεκ 2024, 17:43 
pretty good
Skipio777 3 Δεκ 2024, 13:52 
Nevermind you what I have just said. The cake is a lie anyway
Skipio777 3 Δεκ 2024, 13:52 
The next food item will be a cake