Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

289 人が評価
Detail Shrubs
Assets: Tree
26.276 MB
2022年5月18日 10時19分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Detail Shrubs

A collection of small shrubs for detailing your map. There are 6 main shrubs, and 6 clusters.

Technical Information
Tri counts of the individual shrubs range from 56 to 204. The clusters are mostly around 1000-1200 tris.

All of the shrubs share a single 1024x1024 texture.

All of the shrubs and clusters are imported as trees, which is ideal for being able to paint them with the Forest Brush tool. The main shrubs have had their trunks extended under the ground so that they can be placed on slopes without floating in the air, but I chose not to extend the trunks on the cluster versions since it wouldn't work as well. For this reason, I recommend avoiding placing the clusters on slopes. If there is enough demand, I may import versions of the clusters in terrain conforming prop form as well so that they can be used better on slopes.

In my testing so far, I haven't noticed any performance issues using these bushes. However, based on past experience with some workshop assets I have noticed that tri density (i.e., vertices clustered together in a smaller space as opposed to a larger one) seems to impact performance more than overall tri count, and those issues are potentially amplified when assets are stacked on top of each other - for whatever reason, a 999 tri asset impacts performance less than three 333 tri assets placed together. So with that in mind these shrubs are likely best used for detailing and in combination with other foliage and not for covering huge amounts of land area because of their small size. But I also created the cluster versions of these bushes with the tri density issue in mind, allowing you to save a bit of performance when a situation demands large numbers of bushes by using the cluster versions.

If you like my assets, don't forget to like and favorite!


15 件のコメント
hardisonthefloor 2022年7月31日 16時13分 
These are fantastic! I use them all over the place.
SvelterxD 2022年5月22日 0時43分 
Man these are so good looking. It looks so realistic:steamthis:
sevenof9 2022年5月21日 1時24分 
Pomelo Youzi Tea 2022年5月20日 22時18分 
can you share your game performance setting to us? The image looks so real
charlesnew 2022年5月20日 8時58分 
charlesnew 2022年5月20日 8時58分 
You can significantly improve performance with tree assets by using Ultimate Level of Detail to decrease the LOD distance for trees and Tree LOD Fix for improving the quality of those LOD's. It has the potential to completely remove the issue with trees lagging the game.
ar 2022年5月19日 1時13分 
Great work !!!
bjkzf 2022年5月18日 17時32分 
ilcicci1983 2022年5月18日 15時24分 
i know the pdlmo cluster but it's a bit...old. and the douglas fir low poly cluster of trees (that's great) a part from them...nothing on the workshop
abbator  [作成者] 2022年5月18日 15時17分 
@ilcicci1983 There are a couple tree assets on the workshop that are actually clusters of trees made with the tri density issue in mind. Pdelmo has one just called Tree Cluster, I think. I have an asset like that in my Jungle Tree pack on Patreon, but none currently on the workshop. Will definitely consider making some tree clusters for the workshop in the future.