Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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1,998 人が評価
[DEPRECATED] Prop Anarchy 0.7.6
389.685 KB
2021年12月26日 20時13分
2022年12月3日 16時10分
16 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

[DEPRECATED] Prop Anarchy 0.7.6

Quistar 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Mods compatible with EManagersLib
42 アイテム
UNSUBSCRIBE this Mod and use algernon's version instead!

New in Version 0.7.6
  • Includes all fixes implemented by Algernon in the temporary fix
  • Bringing this mod up to date with latest version of Cities 1.15

With Extended Managers Library (EML) to remove the 65k prop limit, the game's prop framework is completely replaced, thus causing existing mods that accesses the default prop framework to not work at all. Prop Anarchy is a mod that consolidates and ports popular prop related mods to the EML framework. All of these functionalities are tested for months now, and is stable enough for regular day to day usage. I'd like to give out my special appreciation to Quboid, Algernon, sway, Chameleon, and all the beta testers on Discord for making sure their mods work with this mod, and for helping test this mod for stability.

This mod provides the following ported functionalities:
  • Prop Limit Adjustment - Prop Limit can be adjust by a slider in the option menu, just like Tree Anarchy
  • Prop Anarchy - Allows you to place props anywhere
  • Prop Snapping - Allows you to adjust prop height, and snap to building / network
  • Decal Prop Fix - Allows you to use decal asset larger than 8x8 (Improved loading time compared to original mod).
  • Prop Precision - This is a necessary function for Prop Line Tool to function better.
  • Prop Line Tool - All functions have been re-written since the original codes were so bloated that it was hard to make it compatible with EML. Removed around 7000 lines of codes, so now it is easier to optimize and debug due to clarity.
  • Additive Shader - Ported this custom effects which is used in many assets. Now it loads much faster and does not hog system resources during game play. (p.s. Do not ask about PO'd assets not displaying additive shader correctly here. It's got nothing to do with Prop Anarchy nor EML, and I will just ignore it)
  • Prop Resizing - This function can allow you to resize the prop without Procedural Object, by selecting one or multiple props using MoveIt and pressing `period` or `comma` on your keyboard to enlarge or shrink the prop(s).
  • Prop Painter - This function allows players to adjust their prop color. The location of the color picker is in the MoveIt toolbar
If you're new to the mod community and don't know what each of these functions actually do, each of these functions are mapped to an incompatible mod listed below. You can click on the mod link and find a detailed usage guide for each of these incompatible mods. There are even Youtube sites that gives a deep tutorial in each of these functionalities. I've done my best to retain the exact same functionalities, with some improvements here and there.

With the thousands of mods available in the workshop, I'm only able to test as many as I can with the time I have, and here are the incompatible list:
Incompatible mods

If you encounter any issues using this mod, please share your output log as well as 00PropAnarchyDebug.log (located in the same directory as the output log file).
If you wish to contribute to the codes, you may reference my Github[] to find out how.
If you wish to contribute in translating this mod to your native language, please reference my CrowdIn[] site to see how. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!

For the many folks who have helped translate this mod, I really appreciate their efforts and I'd like to acknowledge them here:

Lastly, please support me with:
Logo design by Mbyron26
PLT Option Panel UI design by AngelHeavenly and Mbyron26
人気スレッド 全て表示 (14)
2023年3月19日 10時32分
ピン留め: Please post your issues here
2023年3月13日 9時12分
Prop Line Tool
2023年2月13日 7時44分
Prop disappeared after reloading save
729 件のコメント
DisgustingLeftistQxji 2023年10月11日 8時00分 
This mod is deprecated and the temporary fix is not recommended. Please use the Control Suite ("Prop Control", "Tree Control", "Building Control") instead when starting a new save. If you have an old save either use "Remove EML [Testing]" to remove eml entirely (recommended) or use the temporary fix until that time you can remove EML. :hardhat:
ferie150 2023年6月18日 8時00分 
This mod has become unavailable with the last game update. Anything else to use?
masseran 2023年5月5日 5時46分 
can somebody clear what mods to use at the moment for height editing and else?
ExplosiveBadass 2023年4月25日 16時02分 
this mod is depreached he says sub to new version of algeron but still 150.000 people have this one wondering why they have issues........
LoyTaKeCHi 2023年3月28日 11時22分 
Dvasong Thx 2023年3月23日 9時25分 
Dvasong_***** A big thank you!:steamthumbsup:
the12deel 2023年3月22日 8時49分 
Thanks Dvasong
Dvasong_***** 2023年3月20日 11時01分 
Unsubscribe the following mods in this collection:

Subscribe new mods in this collection:
greasemonkey 2023年3月18日 16時42分 
Prop snapping does not work in this mod
Daridella 2023年3月17日 15時02分 
This mod doesn't replace the functionalities of the Prop Snapping mod. I can't change the height of props. How to make signs for stores now? :steamsad: please help me