Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

48 vurderinger
Half-Life 2: Tactical HEV Charger Replacement
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Innholdstype: Tillegg
Tilleggstype: Modeller
Tilleggsetiketter: Rollespill, Scenisk
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2.230 MB
20. jan. 2020 kl. 18.18
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Half-Life 2: Tactical HEV Charger Replacement

Basically replaces the HEV Charger with the one from the long-lost mod called Half-Life 2: Tactical.

The reason why it was "long lost" is because the SteamPipe update broke the mod. So there was no real way how to play it.

Until a couple of years ago when some random lad by the name of CattaRappa on YouTube decided to patch it for the SteamPipe update, so if you want to play it yourself, here's the link:

About a hexed version, I originally intended this to be hexed, but I couldn't find a way how to make the charger functional that way.