Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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JP Custom Shrine / 日本の神社
JP Custom Shrine 日本の神社

Make your own shrine!
Shrine assets by four Japanese asset creators. The main shrine modeled after Katori Jingu Shrine, 6 types of buildings, and 32 types of Props.
Katori Jingu Shrine is an ancient shrine in Chiba Prefecture that is known as Worship Futunushi(経津主神) in Japanese mythology According to lore, it was built around the 8th century.

詳細 Details

Main Building: This is the main building of the shrine. This building has a structure in which two buildings are connected. The building at the back is the main shrine where God is worshiped, and the place where you pray in front is called the worship hall.

Romon: Shrines have an barrier called a torii gate, but large buildings also have a large gate called a Romon. It was set up to show authority to the powerful.

Treasure hall :Treasure hall are buildings where treasures are stored. It is made of sturdy concrete to protect treasure.

Chozuya : A facility to cleanse before worship. Let's install it near the main hall.

Shamusho : The office that sells amulets and bills and performs office work.

Community Building : A place where believers hold a mysterious meeting. An office may be added.

Torii : Torii is the boundary that separates the sanctuary from the human world. Let's install it at the beginning of the shrine approach.

Komainu : The guardian deity guards the shrine, and the left and right komainu are called the statue and the union, respectively. Since two animals are one set, put them in pairs across the road.

Emakake : Ema is a board dedicated to shrines when making a wlsh. Let's install it near the office where ema is sold.

Lanterns: These are used to illuminate the approach to the shrine during rituals.

Stele: Thankful words of the ancestors are engraved.

Standing signboard: Contains explanations of buildings and installations.

Shrine name sign: A stone sign indicating the name of the shrine. Let's install it near the entrance.

JP Custom Shrine 日本の神社


詳細 Details

本殿:この建物は 2つの建物が連結したような構造になっており奥の建物が神様が祀られている本殿、正面に見えるお祈りするところを拝殿と言います。













Buildings 建物
JPCS Main Shrine Building L 本殿
JPCS Shrine Gate 楼門
JPCS Shamusho 社務所
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Chozuya 手水屋
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Treasure hall 宝物殿
JPCS Community Building 会館
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Shrine Office 事務所
JPCS Shrine Office Small 事務所(小)

Props 小物
JPCS Torii L 大鳥居 朱
JPCS Torii M 大鳥居 朱
JPCS Torii L 大鳥居 石
JPCS Torii M 大鳥居 石
JPCS Red Wall 朱塗りの内塀
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Red Wall 朱塗りの内塀
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Komainu L 狛犬
JPCS Komainu R 狛犬
JPCS Katori-jingu Shrine sign 社標
JPCS Shrine Stele 石碑
JPCS Emakake 絵馬掛
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Board1 立て看板1
JPCS Board2 立て看板2
JPCS Suggestion Box 目安箱
JPCS Information Map 境内図
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS No vehicle sign 車両進入禁止看板
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Stone Lantern 石灯籠
JPCS Shrine Lantern 灯籠
JPCS Tiny Shrine 神社内神社
JPCS Shrine shed 神社内倉庫
JPCS Stone Fence straight 2m 石柵
JPCS Stone Fence straight 8m 石柵
JPCS Stone Fence Corner 石柵
JPCS Stone Fence Entrance L 石柵入左
JPCS Stone Fence Entrance R 石柵入右
JPCS Wood Barrier 木柵
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Gravel Prop 砂利
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Parking Sign 駐車場の看板
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Big Flag 大型のぼり
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Small Flag 1 のぼり1
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Small Flag 2 のぼり2
Ryuichi Kaminogi
JPCS Small Flag 3 のぼり3
Ryuichi Kaminogi

支援 Donate


Ryuichi Kaminogi:
・Amazon gift→

アイテム (11)
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JP Shrine Buildings 神社の建物
作成者 Ryuichi Kaminogi
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