The Steam Workshop for Godus
The Steam Workshop allows you to discover balance file sets for Godus and to share your own with the community. The in-game balance file editor will enable you to adjust and alter Godus' gameplay!
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Spiderweb 7 19 Mar, 2015 @ 1:35pm
Request for world editor improvements.
The new game button needs fixing, from what I can see it doesn't reset templepositions or any of the custom csvs to their original start of game values (temples/shrines/beacon unlocks remain unlocked after a new game request). Currently the most effective way to reset I found is a batch file that kills Godus deletes the prf and restart Godus. Very time consuming.

Upload to workshop will not overwrite the original. Having to delete / upload new name each time. Had the same issue for balance file editor.

Someone explain the purpose of explore? Is it the game without influence areas?

I'd like to be able to bring up the console if possible (so I can see debug output).

Also edit world take you to the world at the current point of play so can end up ruining your map.

Confirm button on "auto generate landscape" hotspot link in editor, caught me out a few times.

Long shot:- I'm really hoping for SetWheat and SetOre functions do they exist, If not could they get added? Also farm count/mine count would be ace :D
Last edited by Spiderweb; 22 Mar, 2015 @ 7:02am
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Gmr Leon 20 Mar, 2015 @ 9:04pm 
I know this is probably mostly just Spiderweb and I, buuut, I wholeheartedly agree with this. Whenever you guys find some time to improve this, it'd be lovely. Spiderweb's work is demonstrable proof of how nice this tool can be even in a rudimentary state, with improvements, we could get some really neat stuff out of it all.

The new game button and explore need some fixing. As Spiderweb notes, new game is extremely finicky, and explore doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose (it doesn't appear to remove influence in my experiences).

It also seems that the copy world option copies the world in its current state, instead of copying it from an original state, meaning that to get effective use of it (such as for copying worlds as templates) requires resetting the game via deleting the prf folder.

However, adding to that, it doesn't copy essential script files in some cases (e.g. copying the Expansion Tutorial world copies almost everything, except the script file, for whatever reason).

I'm not sure if this tool is intended for final release of the game (please let it be, with improvements), but if it is, a refinement of the save system seems necessary.

In general, this is a great feature to have anyway (for shared play of the game on mobile, or shared accounts here on PC with parents and children, etc.) and an essential feature if custom worlds are to remain as an option. By distinguishing between core game saves and custom world saves, it makes it easier to develop custom content, removes the possibility of having to troubleshoot issues that have inexplicably arisen from save bloat/interference as a result of users' custom content use, and so on.

Besides of all the above, the only major improvements to the world editor directly (aside from what Spiderweb has mentioned about generate land confirmation dialog) I'd say are needed are:
  1. Placement of civilization assets (both yours/Astari, fields/mines, temples, shrines, etc.).
  2. Better zoom out.
  3. Multiple layer raise/lower (if the editor is what you guys are using in-house, all of this would help you out too, anyway).
  4. Terrain color selection.
I'd say much of the more detailed stuff, such as the world's balance, timeofday speed settings, and so on could be left in the scripts file. The world editor should be for setting up the basic world, but if you want to do really unique stuff (as Spiderweb has with belief), you would need to dig into the lua file.

This would, while still a little rough, put it at least on par with Legend of Grimrock's level editor. With it, you can lay out your dungeon in detail, but for more detailed adjustments, you have to learn how to write out your own lua files.
Last edited by Gmr Leon; 20 Mar, 2015 @ 9:04pm
Spiderweb 7 27 Mar, 2015 @ 4:32am 
I've noticed that on new game, the temples/beacons don't reset or influence, can some take a look at that?

Also leashing seems to allow you to move followers beyond your influence, It that on purpose? Not that they can do anything!
Last edited by Spiderweb; 27 Mar, 2015 @ 4:35am
Spiderweb 7 1 Apr, 2015 @ 2:15am 
I'd like to see the hyperlink type UI moved to a menu (or at the very least alot smaller buttons), they are to easily clicked on and limit the on screen design real estate.
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