Transport Fever

Transport Fever

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Polish engines and EMUs request
Hi everybody. I'm looking for some train geek/enthusiast, who would be willing to make some models from Polish railways. I'm looking especially for classic engines and EMUs - such as EU/EP05 (Skoda 44E), EU06 (English Electric AEI E) EU/EP07 (most popular electric engine in Poland, there are plethora of variants of these engines), EP08, EP09, ET21, ET22 (most popular freight engine), ET41, ET44, Almighty ST44 (M62 slightly modified specially for polish railways, unfortunately in original M62 pack, there is no PKP version, shame, because Poland bought quite big number of them - and i mean it, 1190 engines were bought, that's even more than USSR itself), Fablok 6D (many variants). For EMUs - EN57 (Pafawag 5B/6B, many different modifications/modernisations), EN71 (just longer EN57), EN76 (that's actually pretty modern EMU, but it's quite populer on regional lines), Newag Impuls/Impuls II (that's completely modern EMU, but it's also very popular on regional or interregional lines).

There's plenty of other engines and EMUs but these are most popular and can be seen regulary on polish rails. I've tried to do it myself, but i'm quite amateur at modeling and completely incompetent in texturing or sound mixing, plus i don't have much time to learn, as i am head of family. I thought that someone will finally do something, as polish community is quite big in TPF and there already are some polish mods, but unfortunately nobody wants to take the challange.

I would be pleasured if someone would do that. I think that's quite nice challange as there is strong variety on polish rails, maybe not as much as on german, but not quite far behind. And if someone would make some different passenger cars of PKP i, and pretty much entire polish community, would be in heaven.

Also i would have a request of some repaints, for Stadler Flirt in PKPIC livery, it's also longer, 8 compartments, Traxx in PKPCARGO, POL-MIEDŹ-TRANS, Przewozy Regionalne, LotosKolej and Koleje Mazowieckie livery, ES64U4 (EU44 Husarz in Poland) in various polish liveries, mostly PKPIC. There alse were EURO2012 themed liveries or 100th Independance Anniversary "Niepodległa" livery, Siemens Vectron in PKPCARGO and DB Rail Polska liveries.

Thank you in advance for anyone who will take his time to fulfil those requests. I am open for consultation or discussion for anybody who will want to know anythin about this request or polish railways. Cheers
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