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Alphus Collection
Collection by Kento Bento Box
A collection of every single ship in the Alphus universe (branding image coming soon :tm:) Factions Represented: Major Factions -Schoshamo Empire -Alpherion Federation -Dark Horse Empire Minor Factions -Latrantis Paramilitary Organization -Dalkyar Republic
SW - Gallactic Empire - Cruisers, Stardestroyers
Collection by Raddus
K'lun Silver Fleet of Eternal Providence
Collection by Priaxis
Covenant but blue lmao Ships and stations coming soon
EVE Online
Collection by Mr.Seller
Kolekcja Warsztatu społeczności Avorion z motywem EVE Online Poszukujesz potężnego statku, który pozwoli Ci przejąć kontrolę nad kosmosem? A może chcesz zbudować własną, niezwykłą budowlę kosmiczną? Kolekcja Warsztatu społeczności Avorion z motywem EVE Onl
[2.5.2+] Xavorion: eXtended Gameplay Preset
Collection by LM13
Collection of mods for full, eXtended gameplay experience. If you want to check out Xavorion, in a way it was designed to work - use ALL and ONLY those mods provided here. Warning, Missions and Ships are linked separately at the bottom Make sure to subscri
Kyreas Shipyards [KS] (MOTHBALLED)
Collection by [AI]Survivor2020
Kyreas Shipyards was founded in 2657 C.E by Alen Kyreas with one goal: to put the best vessels for both civil and military use on the market. Producing everything from light cargo haulers to supermassive colony vessels, Kyreas Shipyard's reputation for its
UFS Small Combat Ships and Vessels (1 - 5 Slots)
Collection by Tachyon_100
A collection of small (1-5 slot) vessels designed for combat, ranging from small patrol boats to destroyers.
Brankor station complex volume 03 (Halo design)
Collection by Mighty Brankor
The Halo ringstation is a huge complex for the endgame. You can build all your favourite station in one ring. Have fun.
长征工业十七舰队-舰载机合集 / Long March Industry 17th Fleet-Figher Collection
Collection by Wendel S'jet
“远端动力” Remote Drive 舰船合集
Collection by 泰鸽尔 (Ti Pigeon)
“远端动力” 生产的舰船合集,对原42舰队系列的重组。会不断更新全新的舰船也会对老旧型号进行重置。 “Remote Drive” produces a collection of warships, a reorganization of the original Series 42 fleet. It will continuously update with brand new warships and reset older models. —————————————————— “远端动力”Remot
Warhammer 40k
Collection by Kapto
The Emperors blazing swords and the Imperiums crushing fists.
天津四 / DENEB
Collection by 丢雷楼某
Collection of "DENEB" series ships and space stations / 收录天津四系列舰船以及太空站 持续更新中 Continuously updating https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/ugc/2027238089142608341/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor
United Auroran Federation Ships
Collection by Milkydromeda
This collection is still work-in-progress!
Collection by WIZARD
天津四 军火武器 / Deneb Military and weapons
Collection by 丢雷楼某
天津四武器军火包 Deneb Military and weapons Pack
Extra Mission Pack
Collection by KnifeHeart
An easy place to locate and subscribe to all of the extra missions I've modded into Avorion, and their prerequisite mod, ESCC. Also includes a mod that makes extra missions available at mission boards. This does not contain any of the campaigns I've create
[2.5.2+] Avorion eXtended - Quick Install
Collection by LM13
Avorion - eXtended is a Complete Gameplay Overhaul, aimed at fixing, extending and rebalancing sandbox aspect of the game. Avorion version: 2.5.2+ Rift DLC: Partial support Black Market DLC: Won't work Save Game Altering: Yes, fresh save is required. Ship
IMC Freighter Fleet
Collection by Haurbus
Civilian/Miner/Trader ships that work well as support ships. Built for cargo first you can use them as automated miners, or salvagers/looters as they hold lots of cargo space. Built in a progressive format of cargo space of 3k > 9.5K > 31k cargo each forma
[Annwn's Skies 2.0] - a progressive series of ships for Avorion 2.0+
Collection by projectjku
Annwn's Skies is a tribe of nomadic scavengers and traders famous for their prowess behind the helm and creativity in tactics, utilizing ships with less mass--and more speed--to overwhelm often superior forces. Their shipyard wanders from star to star endl
长征工业十七舰队-舰船合集 / Long March Industry 17th Fleet- Ships Collection
Collection by Wendel S'jet
Drazhill's UDF Collection (All)
Collection by Drazhill
All Ships Built for my (Drazhill) UDF faction. It consists of some of my earliest builds and will include my newest as well.
Nyancat's full house ships and stations pack
Collection by warpSpeedNyanCat();
Hand picked collection of what i consider my best work so far and a few stations totop it off
STAR WARS: The Imperial Fleet
Collection by ARKON MAREK
https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/ugc/963116367106771365/9FF0B8252483D4D318DD4B11B654A0A3B9FDF97D/ A collection of Imperial ships, made by me, which make up much of their navy. This collection ranges from capital ships to escort ships to starfighters
Halo UNSC Ships & Stations for Avorion 2.0+
Collection by Sychin
Ever since I first started making UNSC ships years ago, TONS of UNSC items have popped up on the workshop! So, instead of remaking all my stuff for 2.0. I've decided to make a new 2.0 collection out of things other great people have made! Granted some I ha
Constellation Aeronautics
Collection by warpSpeedNyanCat();
A whole set of Ship templates sections with a great balance of style, functionality and scenic roleplaying details for the need of the avid explorer , industrialist or just to shoot down Xotans and look good while doing it. Every ships sections is between
Nova Corp. Werft
Collection by Two-Hands
Hier Stellt die Nova Corp. Werft alle ihre Schiffe zusammen! Dieser Kollektion werden noch weitere Schiffe im laufe der Zeit hinzu gefügt. Bei Wünschen oder Speziellen anforderungen versuchen wir ihrem Wunsch nach zu kommen. Nova Corp Stationen finden ihr
Brankors Avorion Fleet
Collection by Mighty Brankor
My fleets for Avorion with all types of ships that you need. The follow list got all ship sorted in fleet and slot groups. The is the actually number of update. --- 1st fleet: --- (Avorion 2.0 ready) + Starterships: (1-3 slot) - Corvette Raccoon - Figate V
[LAC] Legion Aerospace Corporation
Collection by FATHER FLESH
Legion Aerospace Corporation is a company under D.S.P.P. Shipbuilder Holdings. We strive to build efficient and maneuvarable military focussed spacecraft of various roles that do not excell in particular areas but are generally above average all-round perf
Nova Corp. Werft (New Generation)
Collection by Two-Hands
Die Nova Corp. Werft bringt eine Kollektion auf den Markt! Hier vereint sich die neuste Generation aller Schiffe und Geschütze. Da das Design einen deutlichen Unterschied zu der alten Generation von Schiffen der Nova Corp hat, hat sie entschlossen eine eig
N.C. Industrie Ships
Collection by Two-Hands
Die Nova Corp. Industries ( N.C.I.) erweitert ihre Palette und fügt nun auch Schiffe ein! Nach und nach werden immer mehr Schiffe hinzu kommen. Den Anfang machen die kleinen Schiffe wo Frachter folgen werden bis zu den großen Schiffen! Ob die Schiffe zu ih
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