Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Showing 1-30 of 2,658 entries
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Trippy maps
Collection by RockMax
Maps that have their own soundtrack, I´m making trance mixes for myself to listen something at work, I thought to myself why not include some of the mixes in this game, I selected few maps that looks trippy or just edit them to feel like it and put the mus
KF2 server content / maps
Collection by Captain Awesome
Maps and Mutators from my KF2 server.
Collection by Itraks
anime mods
Collection by -SparKle-
Special camo used by special horzine team. Provides an excellent camo and can be adapted to multiple areas. Multiple version of the camo exists, Ice blue, green, orange and red, yellow, snow. If added to the game, devs will choose which camo they want to a
KF1 Remakes
Collection by RockMax
My remakes or other remakes I found on the net
Weapon Packs
Collection by n0wonmai
LiquidArrow's Custom Maps
Collection by LiquidArrow
Collection of all my custom maps.
Stalker Maps
Collection by RockMax
Collection of Stalker Maps
Serious KF2-Maps
Collection by Serious
Welcome to my collection of .... lets say ... other KF2-Maps Off course there are many good maps official and workshop but i want sth special / new / crazy, so i decided to make every map special..... (e.g. Day/Night Cycle / Weather-System / Teleport / Dan
KF2 Medic Weapons - Basic Black
Collection by Voltaire
Yin Yang Collection [Remastered]
Collection by :Desty
Revisited version of Yin Yang weapon set. Now with normal maps and improved shading. Remastered version is also expanded with two new skins for M1911 and SW500. If you are interested, old version can be found here.
Collection by -SparKle-
Kill Master's Maps & Ports
Collection by Kill Master
A simple collection of all my maps and ports for Killing Floor 2.
Slaughter House Set
Collection by pretzel
Cyberbone Skin Set
Collection by Akiba
Created for the Polycount Guns 'N Gear contest.
Half Life maps
Collection by RockMax
KF1 Remastered Maps
Collection by wickEd_
Yin Yang Weapon Set
Collection by :Desty
Total Oriental conversion for some weapons
Egypt GODS
Collection by GIN
Masks Gods Of Egypt
AFarCryAway's Weapon Pack >:D
Collection by Far
A place where you can grab all of my weapon skins!
Violet Spade - KF2 weapon skin packs
Collection by nEC
Dragonfire Skin Set
Collection by Trunks252
*Weapon Skin Set* Dragonfire Weapon Skin Set for the Firebug weapons. Skins for: Caulk N' Burn, Flamethrower, Dragonsbreath, Firebug Knife Made for the Polycount KF2 Contest: Guns n' Gear *2nd Place winner for the skin collections category* Work in progres
Girls' Frontline Weapon Skins
Collection by Flatcher
The Moon Base Weapon Pack
Collection by Akiba
Weapon Skins based on space. Yes. Space. More guns coming soon, if you have suggestions, please leave 'em on the comments!
[IJC] Horzine Elite Pack
Collection by IJC Development
The Horzine Elite Skins have been designed for the elite soldiers of Horzine. These skins have been made with a passion for detail and aesthetics. They are available in four different colors to satisfy different tastes.
Boneyard Collection
Collection by pretzel
Synthwave Weaponry
Collection by :Desty
Welcome back to 80's! Demonstration on YouTube:
Collection by KingPooChicken
Horzine is on the chopping board, and the whole world is waiting for the axe to fall. Horzine didn't intend for their research to become the genocide of civilization, nor the deaths of millions. They wanted only to help mankind thrive and evolve, and bette
Reaper Collection
Collection by pretzel
Sharp Shards Collection
Collection by :Desty
Abstract minimalist weapon restyles with sharp edged elements in four color variants
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