Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Trolley Square Shop Fronts (RICO) Salt Lake City
11 Yorum
MatteCosta 21 Şub 2021 @ 3:33 
Thank you very much for all of your work, I love all of your assets, great work Thank you!!!
noobified 14 Mar 2017 @ 7:43 
Yes they are, wish we could get Spanish revival homes. I love seeing them all over L.A.
estates2r 25 Şub 2017 @ 7:58 
Crazyglueit sounds promising! The Spanish Revival building styles are rare finds in the Workshop.
Crazyglueit  [yaratıcı] 25 Şub 2017 @ 7:46 
Happy to hear!

Orginally I wanted to add windows to the all sides but some how jumped ahead and only did it to Shop Front D. I will be doing more of these styles aswell since it is based on a local shopping center and there are several parts stil to do:P
estates2r 25 Şub 2017 @ 7:38 
Really like these. They look great in my southwest desert cities.
valriano 20 Şub 2017 @ 8:59 
Nice work
Crazyglueit  [yaratıcı] 19 Şub 2017 @ 17:51 
Thank you! Any amount is generous!

After creating these I still want to do more. I left these blank so that they can be filler pieces and have some otheres with store front names on them. Problem is I coudn't decide on which store names to do.

Any suggestions:D
Feral Stinky Animal 19 Şub 2017 @ 16:26 
Wow you actually made my requested item ^__^ thanks! too bad we don't have the store front sign names to place in the building's footprint. =\
girlfromverona 18 Şub 2017 @ 21:55 
Gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing.
DungBeatle 18 Şub 2017 @ 18:33 
Not former warehouses, but former streetcar storage barns for the Salt Lake City streetcar system from 1908-1945, hence the name Trolley Square.
Zhubathan 18 Şub 2017 @ 9:07 
These are gorgeous buildings ! Former warehouses by any chance ?