Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

San Pedro Falls Acrylic Painting - Prop
9 条留言
BloodyPenguin 2017 年 2 月 24 日 上午 2:17 
@Matt Crux Just FYI there's no need in updating trucks, it was an issue with the game, not with trucks. It has already been fixed by a patch.
MrMiyagi 2016 年 12 月 23 日 下午 3:41 
YES!!!! I've been dying to see your art in the game! I have ideas already :) PS it's great to see and hear you!
Vinolik 2016 年 12 月 22 日 上午 9:39 
winndt 2016 年 12 月 22 日 上午 7:32 
MrMaison 2016 年 12 月 22 日 上午 6:59 
Welcome Back!! Nice prop.
Kodybod 2016 年 12 月 21 日 下午 6:33 
Leo Mystic Magic  [作者] 2016 年 12 月 21 日 下午 6:27 
I will not be fixing any trucks, sorry. I don't have time for that in my life.
Pres 2016 年 12 月 21 日 下午 5:39 
@meapcity the game update fixed trailers
Kodybod 2016 年 12 月 21 日 下午 5:36 
say matt will you fix your semi trucks? i live them p.s i have a request for you to make more trucks you see on the freeway