Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Japanese Traffic Lights (RHT) 日本風信号機MOD (右側通行用)
25 件のコメント
GATOR17 2024年4月22日 17時08分 
i wish you can add the arrows
ako_ako  [作成者] 2023年3月23日 17時56分 
You might be able to replace the traffic lights using the BOB.
In that case, subscribe this mod and disable it in the content manager, then set the prop replacements in BOB.
Rasseru 2023年3月23日 14時30分 
I can not find another mod that allows Japanese traffic lights. Please update this.
I love this mod.
Noc 2018年3月20日 18時14分 
No problem, thanks for the reply.

I’m in Québec, Canada, and the traffic lights here are interesting (or so tourists say): horizontal, with two red lights. Here’s an image search with examples [].

I think they look nice, though I’m probably biased …
ako_ako  [作成者] 2018年3月20日 18時06分 
Thanks for the comment, but I think I'll pass.
Because I started to make this mod with the BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux's mod.

P.S What country(area)'s traffic lights you want to use?
Noc 2018年3月20日 15時58分 

By any chance, would you be interested in being commissioned (paid) to create a custom traffic lights mod? I’m interested in a mod that replaces the vanilla traffic lights with custom ones modeled after the lights in my area. All details and payment are negotiable.

Please let me know if this is anything you may be interested in. Thanks, and take care.
ako_ako  [作成者] 2017年10月19日 6時25分 
This mod IS WORKING with Green Cities update.
If you have an error, please unsubscribe "Loading Screen Mod" until it is updated.
ako_ako  [作成者] 2017年8月12日 20時32分 
Due to add style feature, "More realistic layout" is no longer supported.
Because if continue to include that options, the memory used and mod size are doubled.

For the ideas in the T-intersections.
Make 4-way intersections with promenade, then hide the promenade by buildings.(Using Anarchy and MoveIt)
Then, edit the lane connection and restrict cars on promenade with TMPE.

The base idea from @riky7584 on Twitter:
I think this is better solution to the T-intersections...more than "More realistic layout".
L.H. 2017年8月12日 19時37分 
Hey there, there used to be a "More realistic layout" ,but after the update in the T-shape intersection there is no light to see ,hope you can bring back this :steamhappy:
ako_ako  [作成者] 2017年5月18日 23時21分 

Today, I just unsubscribe and then subscribe again, errors are missing.
I don't know why.
Please comment if you have still error after subscribe again.
ako_ako  [作成者] 2017年5月18日 8時52分 
Currently, this mod is broken. It takes several days to fix it.
WisTex 2017年3月28日 13時48分 
@Left Shark, actually, it doesn't affect color blind people any different than vertical ones.

1.) In right hand traffic (RHT) countries, red is always on the left, green is always on the right.
2.) In left hand traffic (LHT) countries, it is opposite, red is on the right, and green is on the left.
3.) In Texas and many places in the U.S., a small amount of blue is added to the green lights so that it can be detected by people who are red/green colorblind. This is obvious if you see the old green lights next to the new green lights (which actually have a hint of blue).

So if you know vertical stop lights always have red on top, you know in the U.S., red would be on the left for horizontal ones. Not much difference once you get used to it.
JBtheGamer 2017年3月23日 15時29分 
well never mind then...
ako_ako  [作成者] 2017年3月23日 1時37分 
@egjordan11 Sorry, I can't.
JBtheGamer 2017年3月22日 16時45分 
Can You Make Cailfornia Traffic Lights?
Psythik 2017年2月28日 23時05分 
Man it must suck to be colorblind in Texas and Japan.
icelen 2017年1月19日 22時32分 
texan stop lights yay
WisTex 2016年12月10日 21時06分 
In many parts of Texas, these stop lights are common. Horizontal, red on the left, green on the right, yellow in the middle.
WisTex 2016年12月10日 21時04分 
Texas stop lights! Yay!
Pluvia 2016年12月4日 12時35分 
OMG, so cool! A lot better than default traffic lights! Thank you!
ugavan0202 2016年12月4日 7時44分 
benscha 2016年12月3日 9時54分 
Love it!
Captain-No 2016年12月2日 17時58分 
fit well in the -JAPAN- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up :anchor:
ako_ako  [作成者] 2016年12月2日 9時51分 
This mod don't need other mods.
Jackrabbit 2016年12月2日 2時08分 
Do you need any other mod to make this work or will it replace the traffic lights immidiately?