Interstellar Rift

Interstellar Rift

Rifter X3 Nori
22 commentaires
olafoertelt 21 nov. 2021 à 4h02 
Hi Two-Hands, super ship with small bugs (shown in editor) please fix/upgrade.
Where do I throw in the fuel?
[NOPE] Sigvar 30 nov. 2020 à 16h28 
While I love the design of the ships and have used them for years I make my own changes. I know I wouldn't be very motivated if I wasn't playing the game.
I modify most of the ships I get from the workshop since many of them never seem to update with new content release. True in most games.
I dislike my own designs and never finish them. Modifying someone else's is simple.
Nice to see you are still around Two-Hands.
Two-Hands  [créateur] 29 nov. 2020 à 9h07 
I'll try even if I haven't played the game in 3 years XD
Tenryuta 29 nov. 2020 à 8h27 
two-hands, giving us great ships, update them by replacing every prop(the tanks and batteries are are not up to new numbers)
[NOPE] Sigvar 19 nov. 2019 à 20h22 
I have loved these ships forever. I am just coming back to the game so I understand some rework is needed. They added some engineering to the game like CPUs and Such so I will have to learn how that works.
You should always leave these posted as a base design.
Thanks for building all of them!
Two-Hands  [créateur] 30 aout 2019 à 7h57 
I have not been playing the game for 2 years ^^ you have to rebuild it for you.
SoulLessFace86 29 aout 2019 à 19h27 
hopefully this one has a rift generator in in if not please add one with weapon cpu and cpu provider
[QF] Mongrell 18 nov. 2017 à 13h44 
DUDE! Nice Work on your ships !!! I will be flying in atleast one of them
Two-Hands  [créateur] 10 nov. 2017 à 8h34 
Silvrav 10 nov. 2017 à 0h11 
Two-hands, yes i linked it to your original design. thank you
Two-Hands  [créateur] 9 nov. 2017 à 7h49 
Is okay but please write a link to the orginal version to it, otherwise it is completely okay;)
Silvrav 8 nov. 2017 à 19h21 
As the owner decided to not rework the ship i reworked it slightly - still work in progress
Dark Angel 9 sept. 2017 à 10h13 
then take this one down
Two-Hands  [créateur] 9 sept. 2017 à 0h13 
yes that may be Unfortunately I do not play this game anymore but Avorion ^^, so there will be no improvements or new ships :)
Dark Angel 8 sept. 2017 à 23h54 
just built ur ship and it eats fuel like no tomorrow wat other fuel do i use for it
Jhulls 4 avr. 2017 à 16h39 
jus61 19 déc. 2016 à 10h05 
Two-Hands  [créateur] 3 déc. 2016 à 8h30 
Ja alles nicht so einfach^^ Ich selbst baue lieber Schiffe als sie zu Fliegen. Danke für den Kommentar ;)
Shockfroster 3 déc. 2016 à 8h29 
Ein Prachtstück von einem Schiff! Es hat eine Weile gedauert bis wir als Neulinge herrausgefunden hatten wo man das Schiff betankt aber nach dem wir uns mit ihm vertraut gemacht haben sind wir total begeistert.
Tantalus 9 oct. 2016 à 17h15 
VERY nice looking ship, and the interior is laid out pretty efficiently (fuel tanks are near the refinery/extractors, so refueling is faster than on some other ships where they're near the generators), but it doesn't have many solar panels, so it guzzles energy like there's no tomorrow.
BiGEdge 6 oct. 2016 à 6h03 
Leider viel zu langsam, ich flieg nix was impuls langsamer als 300m/s fliegt
Furiant 3 oct. 2016 à 1h21 
That's pretty cool