Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

[1:1] Oriental Pearl, Shanghai
85 megjegyzés
百合之王祐天寺若麦 2024. jún. 12., 5:21 
pingucanada 2021. okt. 11., 7:47 
Doesn't this already exist?
城か 2021. okt. 2., 22:06 
StarSky 2021. máj. 3., 9:15 
michaellululu8 2021. febr. 8., 18:47 
Faxing 2021. jan. 21., 7:40 
飞马王中王 2021. jan. 5., 4:57 
kaikai0706 2020. júl. 20., 17:42 
Bad Boy 2019. jún. 25., 7:41 
Excuse me,why i cannot find my Oriental Pearl Tower in the list during i am playing the game?But it shows the building in the game content clearly!!!????And it disappears in the list of the unique building,what happened?
Graphdiyne 2019. jún. 13., 21:43 
@MG-42 其实是有的,那个凹进去的地方是路口,但是作者应该是想让它能随便放,所以没有开对齐道路的功能。转一下塔或者修个路过去就好了。

For anyone who has problem with road connection, rotate the tower or build a road to the 'notch'. That's where you will have road acess.
血与泪 2019. ápr. 21., 8:18 
MG42 2018. okt. 12., 17:35 
丶别久情深 2018. júl. 1., 21:52 
bighungryjames 2017. dec. 10., 8:27 
@西楚忍者, a smaller version of this building is already provided in a free DLC. I myself prefer the 1:1 scale since the windows of some buildings look disproportionally small in their downscaled version. My policy of adopting an asset building to my city is to compare their window size (to be more precise, their floor height) to the base game's buildings. Size of towers may vary, but the height of each floor inside these buildings would seldom change unless the humanity undergoes severe gigantism or dwarfism at some moment between constructions.
西楚忍者 2017. dec. 9., 2:34 
(i can't express myself in Chinese cause Chinese can't be input here......So i have to use English)
The mod is great,but it's a bit too big! Can you make it a little smaller?
Lindtsprungli 2017. dec. 2., 4:17 
could you make tokyo tower? plz
ebonia1 2017. aug. 5., 20:16 
I take it:)
dennismcw 2017. jún. 27., 21:16 
You should make the Eastern Columbia Building in LA. Would love to see it in the game :)
顾冉GuRan 2017. márc. 2., 10:08 
一直很喜欢上海 很喜欢上海的风景 这次找到了东方明珠 感觉很情切! Thank you very much!
abbitt.devin 2017. jan. 3., 20:28 
i believe that you'd make an amazing London olympic stadium/olympic park. maybe even the rio Or sochi olympic park (google 3d warehouse has some good models for some of the Sochi olympic park.
Swiffer 2016. dec. 15., 23:10 
how do you put this to a road
勇气之翼 2016. dec. 10., 6:22 
Captain-No 2016. dec. 2., 17:51 
fit well in the -CHINA- No´s all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up :anchor:
DeadGoat 2016. dec. 2., 6:18 
CommiTzar 2016. dec. 1., 15:17 
NevernoiD 2016. dec. 1., 10:53 
really nice
runningturtle2020 2016. nov. 29., 20:45 
嘿嘿嫂子 2016. nov. 27., 18:09 
精英挂卡酋长 2016. nov. 24., 21:36 
Char 2016. nov. 21., 0:31 
B3 Killer 2016. nov. 20., 22:12 
喜多郁代 2016. nov. 5., 11:45 
Steffbro69 2016. nov. 1., 12:34 
it looks good:steamhappy:
Kehaw 2016. okt. 26., 1:48 
Why I can not put this tower on the side of the road?:steambored:
Hombre diablo 2016. szept. 17., 15:49 
loving it
Major Tom 2016. szept. 17., 1:06 
may i make a shanghai center ?
acousticwind 2016. szept. 17., 0:06 
weird tower
xEthanoL 2016. szept. 16., 21:37 
i cant find it in game :(
我没有青春了 2016. szept. 16., 21:21 
AAA_建材批发工程配送 2016. szept. 16., 17:58 
As a Chinese
I'd say I like it
I am Donut 2016. szept. 16., 17:14 
Can you make 1.5 version?
dRuPpI 2016. szept. 16., 16:54 

alle außer dir scheißhaufen
山东耐烧王 2016. szept. 16., 8:36 
I love it
5569682 2016. szept. 16., 8:24 
沈佳宜 2016. szept. 15., 21:55 
Bruce Bai 2016. szept. 15., 20:28 
我还以为是中国人做的,,结果不是 233
PitfallFritz 2016. szept. 15., 13:40 
Mama braucht dich. Bring mal'n Muell runter, Jeremy-Lucas.
Drosovila  [készítő] 2016. szept. 15., 9:07 
@jeremylucashebekehr wer braucht dich schon ?
阿尔法及利亚 2016. szept. 15., 8:03 
jeremylucashebekehr 2016. szept. 15., 7:49 
wer braucht son scheiß