Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Cafe Achteck/ Toilet prop
5 commentaires
A. Cronauer 11 juil. 2017 à 13h34 
SvenBerlin  [créateur] 12 mars 2017 à 15h43 
this is a prop version of my park version
its up to you what you want to use. I am not sure but i think prop version will be invisible after zooming out and the park not.
malicious_villain 12 mars 2017 à 15h34 
so is this a update or should I replace the older assets in my city manually to this new version?
SaintDamien 10 mars 2016 à 6h26 
Captain-No 9 mars 2016 à 17h03 
fit well in the -Berlin- all in one Collection:
thank you Thumbs up