Cities: Skylines
Murka's Props and Stuff
Коментарів: 6
komurka  [автор] 17 лип. 2016 о 11:39 
i will work on this then)
Blackdragonbird 17 лип. 2016 о 11:36 
They are popular because they are very rare. Not counting your, there are only these 2 in the workshop:

With the release of More Beautyfication Mod, this kind of element became very necessary. Putting a tree right in the concrete is very strange. These little details make all the difference to perfectionists like me. =)

Hope you get to make more variants one day.

Thank you for your attention.
komurka  [автор] 17 лип. 2016 о 11:16 
Oh I get it. May be. Actually I'm was surprised with popularity of this treebed. But you see I make most of my assets on the base of real photos I take while traveling around. I hope I will visit Europe this year and and take nice material for such stuff)
Blackdragonbird 17 лип. 2016 о 4:33 
Sorry, my english is not very good.

What I mean was to create more variants. Your treebed is square with a stone finish, more models with grass and gravel filling would be great, and round ones too.

But is only a suggestion, thank you for your work.

Cya. =)
komurka  [автор] 16 лип. 2016 о 23:42 
actuall tree bed was designed for single trees, so, I don't understand you, I'm afraid. I have some gravel and cobblestones squeres but don't like how they work in game, so I don't publish them. Thanks though)
Blackdragonbird 16 лип. 2016 о 8:31 
Great collection man. Loving your grass beds.

Can you create tree beds to single trees to? Gravel, grass, round and square?