Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Brutal Brutus ("When In Rome" pack)
70 comentarii
ShadowMan44 24 aug. 2021 la 16:29 
workshop thumbnail's broke
para 24 iul. 2019 la 10:45 
I like it! But how about the stats?
Tricerius 23 sept. 2012 la 11:28 
Italy, the nation of Ass Kickers!
Snowflake3638 9 sept. 2012 la 7:10 
This weapon must get in TF2!!!!!!!
Pucc 24 iul. 2012 la 12:51 
I think the stats sould be:

+ Faster attack speed
+ Taunting while holding the weapon gives all those near you a small buff
+ When weilded with the shield alt fire triggers a charge (demoman I know)
- Honour bound ( see half-(not even gonna try and spell it))
Kind and Benevolent Horse 9 iul. 2012 la 3:17 
i think the stats should be
on hit: bleed for 6 seconds
+15 damage
on wield: speed increased by 10%
+10% attack speed
when not wielded: speed reduced by 20%
-15% weapon switch
+ 10% melee damaged taken
become slower the more damage you take
Kind and Benevolent Horse 8 iul. 2012 la 11:22 
silly gudun sparkle sometimes gaden 'puts vavle to sleep' and choses some stats that players have suggested
BenRegen 5 iul. 2012 la 10:16 
+15% faster weapon switch
-15% less damage
Gudun 9 mai 2012 la 15:51 
silly twilight sparkle gaben and valve decide the stats
Jakalanche 18 mart. 2012 la 17:11 
Looks more of a gladius to me. Awesome sword.
K-Raider_NL 16 mart. 2012 la 14:14 
Perfect. Exactly the kind of weapon you can draw in an instant to kill that spy behind you.
Batandy 16 mart. 2012 la 11:07 
Quoque tu bruto filii mii?
Seat-Weld 2 mart. 2012 la 23:29 
Heheheh.... I bet half the people have no idea what the reference means... Nice sword btw R+
Raiju 2 mart. 2012 la 8:49 
hope they add the when in rome pack into the game
flacko 28 febr. 2012 la 13:15 
Et tu, Tavish?
Ciaran Zagami 14 febr. 2012 la 20:45 
if it haz kill skin it is good
Kratos 14 febr. 2012 la 19:39 
Nice idea, but a spartan theme would make more sense and be cooler
Dallin273 11 febr. 2012 la 21:46 
awsome can you make me one
Cosmic Muffin 8 febr. 2012 la 17:24 
i <3 soldier. demo knight can suck it!
ToastyPrawn 7 febr. 2012 la 21:51 
Clever idea for a pack. Meep up the good work!
Crazy Tiger 1 febr. 2012 la 21:20 
Time to take Degroot Keep for Rome.
von_steiner 31 ian. 2012 la 10:17 
thumbs up
Urkitza 23 ian. 2012 la 12:39 
Nice Very Good mens
Bobyen01 22 ian. 2012 la 21:45 
Why not pair this with the shield as one item
Davidp1522 18 ian. 2012 la 14:31 
me too
Zoey 12 ian. 2012 la 4:37 
i want this hat and that weapon!
Bot 01 11 ian. 2012 la 17:20 
This should be a part of a Roman Soldier set, to collaberate with a counterpart for the demomen (Demoknights)
DuckLord 10 ian. 2012 la 17:06 
Awesome man
John Doe 9 ian. 2012 la 11:28 
I realy hope this makes it into the game! Fun to see some fellow Rome lovers :D
Rada  [autor] 8 ian. 2012 la 19:35 
also forgot to mention that there are alot of items hat could be claimed as "copies" ie Big Chef/ Chieftans Challenge, Killers Kabuto/ Samur-Eye, Fancy Fedora/Capos Capper, Tippler's Tricorne/ Rimmed Raincatcher
Rada  [autor] 8 ian. 2012 la 19:24 
3. @ Steinar A roman Standard Banner is being considered for the pack but most likely not occur due to a 2 things. (the horn would most likely be a modified Cornu if you don't know what a cornu looks like google it)
1. Unlike other banners which flow from the side (right to left) a roman standard was shown facing forward and draping down which would probably cause clipping problems with the Soldiers head
2. We aren't really sure what to use for a pack like all the others have, we though of maybe using a large animal skin sack or a an amphorea (a storage vase used by both Greeks and Romans) but those seem kind of out of place. If this item does occur it may be the last things done in the set.
Rada  [autor] 8 ian. 2012 la 19:24 
2. @ Bender (No Voice) This is not a skin. this is an actual Model. Skins are just changing the texture of an object the paint style etc. This is a completely new model with it's own texture. Also while the crest tends to make it look like the Spartan the Legionnaire Galea and Hoplite Helmets were actually different Legionnaire Helmets extended farther in the back to protect the neck and opened up more in the face, Hoplite helms tended to cover the face.

Rada  [autor] 8 ian. 2012 la 19:24 
Ok guys 3 things.

First off Rome =/= Sparta. Rome is Italy, Sparta is Greece. Rome came into being after Sparta was established as a City State. While it is true that Rome borrowed ideas from Greece including parts of their Culture, Politics, and some of their technology, they modified it with their own native idea and adapted it to form their own unique style. Using Spartan taunts for a Roman makes no sense. It's like saying the Chinese and Japanese are the same even though the Chinese never had ninjas, samurai, or katanas yes the Japanese borrowed ideas from the Chinese but they are different cultures. Same goes for saying things about Meso-American groups like the Maya and Aztec and the South American Inca, Native American and African tribes many of these groups shared ideas amongst each other but each had their own style. (I have a major in history and I nitpick these things sorry for B^U wall of text)

Ausome 8 ian. 2012 la 18:16 
On taunt: Shouts "THIS IS TEAM FORTRESS!" and kick the air in front of him, and kills anything in front of him and the ragdoll gets launched back. :D
Whimsical Star 8 ian. 2012 la 15:50 
Steinar 8 ian. 2012 la 6:59 
This needs a SPQR banner.
Beef stick type beat 8 ian. 2012 la 0:04 
I love the weapon. Hell, i love the helmet too.
Bender 7 ian. 2012 la 21:23 
It seems like The Defiant Spartan is basically this so i dont think that it should be in the game but it looks pretty cool so keep making skins!
pooh ass 7 ian. 2012 la 18:21 
good one
[BBz] - Puuh 7 ian. 2012 la 14:09 
GT500>JZeeba ジェイシーバ  [autor] 7 ian. 2012 la 13:30 
@Lord High Ragamuffin - do you mean that name? or is that a reference to a specific item?
Luric Deluheims 7 ian. 2012 la 11:55 
looks leik a good idea~
Bloody Crikey 7 ian. 2012 la 3:03 
awesome, this should be in the game!
CPT_KICKBACK_115 7 ian. 2012 la 0:51 
latinx watamelón 6 ian. 2012 la 17:20 
Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello 6 ian. 2012 la 16:22 
How about for any more of your pieces... : THE BRUTAL BRUTUS
What ! 6 ian. 2012 la 14:06 
MonkeyFrog 6 ian. 2012 la 13:52 
Archaic 6 ian. 2012 la 7:52 
Demoknight vs Spartan Soldier?
Rada  [autor] 5 ian. 2012 la 23:51 
stats are determined by valve not us ergo none are posted all we can do is suggest. there are other items on the way.