Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Seawall 02 - Inner Corner 1x1
14 件のコメント
AngryDragon 2018年2月5日 11時11分 
Think you could redo those as a network? I would love to have a version of this which can bend.
ggianfra 2016年3月23日 4時09分 
Thank you for the clarification!
Mas71  [作成者] 2016年3月23日 3時46分 
Thanks for pics and use your time as well. Aha I see.
Yes, It's not possible with my models and ASSET as well (only PROP is possible to rotate models), My walls(sewalls) is made by Asset + PROP, so it needs to re-export to FBX-file from my 3d-modelling ;)
ggianfra 2016年3月23日 3時08分 
First of all thank you for answering. To clarify my request attach this:
Mas71  [作成者] 2016年3月22日 17時54分 
I don't know well what asset do you wanna making X) so I can't tell you any helps or I don't know a cause is in Asset-Editor or in my walls, but my walls are made by peculiar a little. I'm sorry to inconvenience with that.
ggianfra 2016年3月22日 15時16分 
In the assets editor I tried to rotate of 180 degrees the outside corner model, but the problem is solved only by moving the anchor point in the other side of the angle, and I'm not able to do it
ggianfra 2016年3月6日 10時38分 
Nice work, thanks!
If you will share the left and the right version of the corner will be perfect!
Cheeteaux 2016年1月5日 7時32分 
These walls will show up in your game in the boat transport menu, NOT THE PARKS MENU!
leftbehind 2015年11月18日 0時37分 
these assets are awesome!
Breeze 2015年11月16日 22時20分 
right. This is it. Thank you so much. ☺
Mas71  [作成者] 2015年11月16日 22時08分 
Is this thing that you want to know?
Object's Pivot is center, and Offset to pivot.
Result of both
Mas71  [作成者] 2015年11月16日 19時49分 
Thanks always ;)
"How to fix it to the Ground?" ah....I think a cause is a position(x,y,z) of model's pivots. I using 3ds-max, so I can't give a good adveice to you X)

and "PROP moving stuch on the Road"??
Do you talking about a problem with my walls?
Steam's workshop having strange problem sometimes, try to re-subscribe and get a right crp-files if you have problem please ;)
I confirmed all asset working right with latest workshop's files in a game ;)
Breeze 2015年11月16日 18時55分 
Why prop moving stuck on the road. I wonder what it is. I guess that because the pivot.
Breeze 2015年11月16日 18時52分 
A nice set of walls. :)

There is one kinds of questions. When you create an asset as props. Do you know how to fix it to the ground? Is it pivots the problem? Anyway, I was fixed on the ground. But I do not know exactly;