Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

TF2 Hex - Blade Of The Exile
24 comentário(s)
Baked Dawn 9/mar./2021 às 14:23 
Don't put it under weapons if you can't use it as a weapon
3Dee 2/mai./2020 às 9:45 
isn't this Riven's blade from League of Legends?
tewi. 8/dez./2018 às 6:58 
Someone's a LoL fan
Freaky Bob 1/set./2018 às 14:53 
lol i just saw everyone ranting at him about his comments and he deleted them :steamhappy:
Det. Joseph  [autor(a)] 16/ago./2018 às 3:56 
thats the old gmad tool i used.
[𝓢𝓡] %𝓛𝓞𝓨𝓩* 15/ago./2018 às 16:05 
Don't put it under weapons if you can't use it as a weapon
'the 6/mai./2017 às 18:58 
i wish this was a weapon ;-;
nsmckinney02 26/abr./2017 às 15:18 
If it isn't a swep, why is it under the weapon catgory? Don't get so defensive when you basicly lure people into confusion.
Springtrap 10/abr./2017 às 4:55 
why is this in the weapons category even though its a model?
im pretty sure that category is for sweps.
ironslayer 17/out./2016 às 20:31 
i hate ass holes that sayyour a noob for askinga question they dont know and to lazy to make a swep.....lazy shit:steamhappy:
Eris Lykos 19/ago./2016 às 18:32 
Dude seriously you shouldnt be so dramatic with actually good questions, instead of going "perhaps i should ban, delete and pretty much give you the middle finger" you should idk probably at least state what it is and what it is not because not everyone is psychic and instantly know what the actual thing is
mcarden7 13/jul./2016 às 19:16 
its kratos blade of exile but diffrent
Kaimoto 4/abr./2016 às 13:10 
Honestly, people are right to be confused about it being a Swep or not, seeing how you've incorrectly tagged it.
Perlgb 12/mar./2016 às 12:23 
The name reminds me of Kratos' Blades of Exile weapon, but it doesnt look like the Blades of Exile.
Morkhelt 3/dez./2015 às 16:04 
GOD DAYUM! Thankfully it's not taken by any animes
S@kura 30/nov./2015 às 13:21 
GRIM 17/out./2015 às 6:12 
also 700000000/700000000 god war looking weapon rate:steamhappy:
GRIM 17/out./2015 às 6:11 
i would lovve if it was an weapon swep i would friend you Jintei
CLOCK IT IN!!!! 16/out./2015 às 19:27 
Could've sworn Riven's blade was green....
Gnew Year Gnew Gnome 23/set./2015 às 18:10 
Hey look! A league of legends prop! Oh wait no, its a TF2 hex. At least they gave credit to Riot games for designing this! Oh wait, no!
Original Weapon maker: RIOT FREAKING GAMES
No insult intented by this post, just saying give credit to Riot since this is literally Riven's sword
Esteef 19/set./2015 às 15:23 
Oh look. riven's blade
Ralphyr 18/set./2015 às 5:15 
You just gave me a fucking good idea.
Det. Joseph  [autor(a)] 18/set./2015 às 1:35 
it has 2 skins
𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓻 16/set./2015 às 11:02 
*take photo*Nice Very nice