Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

14 comentarios
Matok1971 7 MAY 2021 a las 15:40 
Hello. I have a question for you.

I am getting an error on an asset. M35_2.5TON_TRUCK_v1.04_PROP.M35_2.5TON_TRUCK_v1.04_PROP_DataP - listed as private asset - might be same as
Tommy Tough-Knuckles 29 OCT 2018 a las 14:17 
Does this help crime?
Aturchomicz 29 SEP 2018 a las 5:03 
Maybe you could rip out the watch tower from the ingame prison?
baron 14 JUL 2016 a las 20:34 
i love these military addons
Chris Winters 3 ABR 2016 a las 13:25 
Please update needed props, seems there are quite some missing.
TB Suzuka 21 FEB 2016 a las 19:27 
Looks great please update.
templeofdoom  [autor] 21 DIC 2015 a las 10:52 
@Imperator Machinas - whooa - I didn't realize people were still using these! :) I can update this asset in the next week for you. I have some time off for the holidays and should have some time to do that. :) PS - if you feel up to it, feel free to edit the lights the way you wish in the asset editor. TBH, if I go back into this asset for lights I may redo some of the textures etc. while I'm at it. I was learning how to model with these military assets and I have learned a lot since. :)
Ξ NYO 21 DIC 2015 a las 10:27 
Could you possibly add lights for after dark?
templeofdoom  [autor] 7 JUN 2015 a las 23:41 
templeofdoom  [autor] 7 JUN 2015 a las 22:57 
im so terrible at this.....thanks for bearing with me.....ill try to edit this right away. *frustrated for being a dummy emoticon*
BLÀde 7 JUN 2015 a las 22:51 
getting garbage pileup
Monkeysaur 7 JUN 2015 a las 2:34 
templeofdoom  [autor] 6 JUN 2015 a las 18:35 
@dancjm - it's a mod called American Roads. Here:
Monkeysaur 6 JUN 2015 a las 18:11 
Looks great, thanks!

Can I ask, where did you get the road in the 3rd picture? The road with the orange lines? Thanks.