New Medieval Town version 1.0
289 Komentar
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 27 Jan @ 10:39pm 
yes you can but you need to start a new map. non-compatible with old versions
ajolicoe 3 Jan @ 5:40pm 
If I want to subscribe to the mod 3.0 can i unsubscribe to 1.0 and add the 3.0 without problems?
EloWello 23 Nov 2023 @ 6:28am 
I'm unable to find how to get honey.
Raven 29 Des 2021 @ 2:34am 
does it work? got same vanilla buildings once downloaded the mod
心有希翼 25 Agu 2021 @ 6:46pm 
这是 Redketchup 对一个被流放的中世纪城镇的新构思。 该mod将在游戏中添加许多专门设计用于组合在一起的住宅建筑,还将为游戏添加一些新的建筑/职业/资源。 本mod是一个大工程,旨在帮助您在游戏中建立真正的中世纪城镇中心。
Juul😍 27 Des 2019 @ 8:56am 
Love this mod
MommyDearest 29 Sep 2019 @ 12:47am 
Do boarding houses work the same in this as the vanilla houses? Id like to have people move into boarding houses when they need more room, without having to demolish houses to get them to move
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 14 Agu 2019 @ 7:29am 
this mod is too old to be played with CC unless you play an old CC .

i suggest to use RKEC or NMT 2.04
TWRH 14 Agu 2019 @ 2:25am 
great mod, but i have citizens taking out wood, iron, coal, firewood etc out of the general store and the hardware store. They are putting the gear around it instead of putting them inside the building. Is there away to solve this problem?
Lady Sava 5 Des 2018 @ 3:29pm 
ty :steamhappy:
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 5 Des 2018 @ 1:05pm 
this very old mod 1.0 is no longer supported since 3 years....

i did a 2.04 version (and yes there are bee hives in it) couple years ago...

now, the version 3.0 is called RedKetchup Editor Choice.
Lady Sava 5 Des 2018 @ 12:13pm 
Could you please add the Bee keeper and hives to this mod? or is there a mod with that, that is compatable with Medieval Town Mod?
Evacla08 23 Okt 2018 @ 9:56pm 
The Cathedral is awesome
zacky.85 24 Jun 2018 @ 1:25pm 
hola, me falta el mod de apiary pero no se me compagina con este, si por favor me podrias dar una solucion
JAY1602- 20 Nov 2017 @ 4:31pm 
game crashed as soon as i placed the church :) pretty funny
VictorlitoC 8 Nov 2017 @ 4:48pm 
Muy buen mod, queda exelente para controlar las casas, (1 casa de 3 pisos puede albergar 3 familias.)
Ecobango 6 Sep 2017 @ 11:15pm 
it's perfect:steamhappy:
OUTLORD 17 Agu 2017 @ 4:13am 
Builder comes before Butcher. Please fix. Very annoying.
Pietro Aretino 7 Agu 2017 @ 2:27pm 
FYI, with this version, citizens in your town don't understand what to do when the 1st story of the medieval house catches on fire. They gather a bunch of water and either run to the other side of the map and freeze to death, or stand around. And once the fire was put out else where and the medieval houses finished burning, everyone still stood around as thouogh there was a fire burning and no one returned to their routine.
Sebastian Cigar 3 Agu 2017 @ 4:32pm 
are you okay with stealing 4head's intellectual property though? that church is from The Guild II
srFanzy 26 Jun 2017 @ 8:46pm 
amazing bro
fl4sh 13 Apr 2017 @ 8:07am 
Very god job.
Tienna (天阿) 19 Mar 2017 @ 2:17pm 
Ooh, I see. Thanks!
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 19 Mar 2017 @ 4:09am 
The items a Livestock merchant want to buy are : Wood | Stone | Iron | Fuel | Tool | Textile | Clothing.
Tienna (天阿) 18 Mar 2017 @ 5:23pm 
I'm using a fishing pond, and put some fish (and water) in the trading post. When the trader came by with milky cows, I could not trade anything - all of my items were greyed out. What do I need to do to fix this?
Arrakis 4 Mar 2017 @ 11:20pm 
Thanks for the help!

P.S. Half you shit please!
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 4 Mar 2017 @ 10:21pm 
if you really use 1.0 ... the flatten tool hasnt been included back at this version. you can find it here on banishedinfo :

download and put in your bin/WinData folder. launch your save game, go in mod window and search flatten tool and enable it in your save game.

you will able to flat the ground up back again. after there will be some orange X on the ground, you ll use the vanilla remove building after to get rid the orange Xs
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 4 Mar 2017 @ 10:15pm 
are you really using the 1.0 version or 2.04 ?
Arrakis 4 Mar 2017 @ 7:15pm 
There's a flatten tool? Where in the menus?
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 4 Mar 2017 @ 11:05am 
you use the flatten tool provided to put back the ground to normal
Arrakis 3 Mar 2017 @ 11:28pm 
The Fishing, pond when deconstructed, leaves a gaping hole in the earth and renders the land useless. Any why to fix that?
The Sexy Bro 27 Jan 2017 @ 2:38am 
oh thank you, I forgot to put down that I found It, this mod really makes my game more enjoyable, from building simple villages to a medieval metropolis, you made a fantastic mod bro!
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 23 Jan 2017 @ 6:53pm 
after, you use the vanilla cancel remove provided by the game in the before last icon toolbar
The Sexy Bro 23 Jan 2017 @ 5:03pm 
hello, so I added a canal only to take it out from a tiny mistake, I removed it and then used the canal removal tool to fix the problem with a hole where it once was and now I have the removal Icons all over the spot. help?
Melonhead 3 Jan 2017 @ 10:18am 
All sorted, thank you. Appearently I need to sign worker to Venter post, rather then water collect. Apart from me being an idiot, this is a great mod. I really enjoy it. Well done Red-ketchup!
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 1 Jan 2017 @ 1:09pm 
dont you use the fountain mod ?
Melonhead 1 Jan 2017 @ 8:45am 
The worker has a question mark all the time after signed to Water Tower Job and doesn't produce. What have I done wrong? I have tried with old and new game, but the issue remains. Does anyone know how to solve it please?
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 25 Des 2016 @ 1:12pm 
you will see it on this page. probably just need to registrate to see the link for the download:
TAS04159 25 Des 2016 @ 7:09am 
red-ketchup, could you reupload your trader fix to steam or the banished website plz? I just had to scrap a 5 hour game because with the mega mod, the game kept crashing whenever i selected the trader post or the city hall
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 23 Des 2016 @ 1:26am 
they give happiness similar to church. church is for the soul.... librairian is for the mind ^^
CaptainSkinnySK 22 Des 2016 @ 11:38pm 
also, what do librarys do?
CaptainSkinnySK 22 Des 2016 @ 11:36pm 
This is an amazing mod. i love the three story builings and the fishing ponds are very neet. just one thing, i cant figure out how to get honey ore trading slips. i see them sold buy merchants so there must be a way to get then, right? anyone know?
Opt_0™ 12 Des 2016 @ 4:31pm 
Just had to share one of my recent "small" logging outposts created with your mod. I LOVE the fact that I can add the 2nd storys over default buildings and I have been putting that to great use in my builds now. A wonderful way to make very interesting and ground-space efficient builds.
Opt_0™ 12 Des 2016 @ 4:28pm 
@red-ketchup I had to take a moment to return and say: THANK YOU. Excellent Mod. Adds just the right amount of new buildings, and some very unique ones, a few professions (all functioning as the pre-existing professions do), and the way you can play with the overlapping feature of the new 2nd and 3rd storys you've added is FANTASTIC. I'm able to make some great combinations in my housing now! I love this game but I really try to avoid greatly altering the gameplay and difficulty. This mod truly adds just the right amount. Looks new and more dynamic while still maintaining the original look and fell of the base game. [My only minor minor issue is that if you remove the Fishing Pond it leaves a giant gapping hole in the ground. So I don't remove them now, lol]

If Mods could have reviews written for them, I would certainly for this one.
mrcoolize 19 Okt 2016 @ 7:04pm 
good thank happy to see that you are still taking care of this great mod
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 19 Okt 2016 @ 6:47pm 
no doesnt work with patch 1.0.5 +. i suggest you to take Medieval town 2.04 if you are using 1.0.6
mrcoolize 19 Okt 2016 @ 1:55pm 
This mod work with the lastest version?
Kilburno 3 Sep 2016 @ 11:12pm 
Does this work with Colonial Charter?
red-ketchup  [pembuat] 5 Jul 2016 @ 5:59pm 
you need to use the flatten tool to get it up.
Anglo George 5 Jul 2016 @ 3:57pm 
VERY GOOD MOD BUT ONE VERY BIG BUG, When you remove the fishing pond it creates a water hole which looks very ugly:steamsad: