Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

ARD - Barcelona Post Palace
24 opmerkingen
sebesams 9 sep 2018 om 4:08 
Il Dottore della Peste 30 jun 2017 om 16:27 
Podrías hacer la torre agbar?
Captain-No 27 feb 2016 om 13:47 
(first the wrong link)
fit well in the -MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up
FeanorKND 5 nov 2015 om 15:02 
es que está increible! da lástima que no tenga luces nocturnas.. buen trabajo!
FeanorKND 5 nov 2015 om 15:02 
este modelo pide luces AD como el comer!!!!
Farago 4 nov 2015 om 7:13 
Update for AD?
mwevant 15 okt 2015 om 13:15 
Please update this for after dark!!
Darth Modus - God of Richards 1 okt 2015 om 16:13 
Has this been updated for AD?
SimonBeats 25 sep 2015 om 16:42 
kasmasnou 11 aug 2015 om 19:14 
Impressive model of this Catalan architecture building!! Thank you ;D
FeanorKND 10 jun 2015 om 3:12 
Que pedazo de modelo.... supercurrado, y en 7Mb... impresionante.
AlphaMom 12 mei 2015 om 4:12 
magnifique, merci!
Turjan 7 mei 2015 om 14:24 
This looks very nice. Noise and happiness circles seem to be mixed up though.
PlusUltra! 2 mei 2015 om 15:06 
Hermosa arquitectura Española :D
Fango 2 mei 2015 om 13:06 
Me encanta, tiene hasta la plaza de correos delante.
Allianz4000 30 apr 2015 om 12:37 
nice Building, but visite this:
First german Television^^
Kornelius 29 apr 2015 om 22:53 
Great!! Thank you!
ErickaUnlimited 29 apr 2015 om 12:48 
Wow, this looks gorgeous. Thank you, :3
xalauch 29 apr 2015 om 7:14 
Worldtraveller_be 29 apr 2015 om 4:28 
it looks great, fantastic features!
Gabri 29 apr 2015 om 0:50 
M'encanta! Podries fer la Torre Agbar o La Pedrera o algún edifici emblemàtic més de Barcelona?
ReyneV 28 apr 2015 om 13:28 
Willelmus 27 apr 2015 om 0:56 
This is great! Can we expect more like that? Maybe Sagrada Família?
obv 26 apr 2015 om 16:24 
genial mas de barcelona :)